Movies News Talk

The Incredible Hulk: Meet the Original Hulk, Straight From Ancient Mythology

In the ever-expanding universe of Marvel, it seems, there is always something new waiting to be discovered.

Marvel's First Hulk

If you are a fan of The Incredible Hulk you are going to want to pick up a new issue! Recently, in The Incredible Hulk #16 from Marvel Comics, the storyline showed how Marvel went back in time, or more accurately, even further back to Mesopotamian myths!

What did Marvel Comics discover about this iconic green, superpowered figure?

  • They brought the original Hulk to life!
  • What is more incredible, is his direct connection to one of Marvel's well known Avengers characters!

You might think the comic series was going to reveal an origin story, one filled with gamma rays. It was far more special!

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Hulk's History Is Remarkable

Hulk shooting laser beams out of his eyes and crackling with cosmic energy. Image

For those that didn't realize Marvel draws on real world myth, they took an approach that took the spotlight in a recent issue.

  • One of the world's oldest stories from "The Epic of Gilgamesh" made an amazing appearance!
  • It features one of Marvel's biggest stars. The comic series made an incredible revelation. You won't believe who the original Hulk was! He wasn't a mad scientist. It is a character, Enkidu.
  • The legend has long ties to Mesopotamian stories!
  • Enkidu is a key character to one of history's best-known myths and, now appears as one of Marvel's well-loved heroes.

What is most noteworthy is how closely connected to the story's lore he was! The Hulk of the Marvel universe is so powerful that some may never consider where he could come from.

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An Epic Connection

Marvel hero Gilgamesh, a version of the real mythological figure Image

Enkidu wasn't just anyone but a half-human warrior that hung out among the creatures and wild places! In The Incredible Hulk series, the "Bull-Man of Akkida," a powerful, awesome and super human force is born in history! It wasn't just his immense strength but how his unique figure. It looked as if he was a beast, one who couldn't help but be a warrior.

That isn't all, too! There is even a remarkable, epic story of how "Enkidu" found an everlasting home.

This character's name is known all across history and comes from the ancient stories that give people an incredible vision. One of these epic journeys is that he met up with the legendary King of Uruk, a character that became the main attraction, Gilgamesh. And we see a powerful and close relationship! Enkidu found his best friend, and it was he, who led to a tragic loss!

What is remarkable? Even the comic book world shows this tragedy. This moment of immense loss really set the foundation of Gilgamesh, going out in one of history's most well-known, legendary quests! The real story even gives us a reason for his power, as Gilgamesh found the secret to never dying.

Now that it has appeared in Comics! The Hulk now shows what true immortality is! As a character that battles some of the darkest creatures!

Also Read: Marvel creates Great Man Hulk-Level Strong in The Ultimates #1: New Power Enhancement!.

The Marvel Universe Gilgamesh:

Green flames surround the Eldest as the first Hulk Enkidu stands over her. Image

You see! All those amazing stories of the ancient world brought a truly great moment, for Gilgamesh to join the ranks of the Avengers. The legendary hero has had his place for decades! What stands out the most about Gilgamesh was that he showed up in the late 1970s in Jack Kirby's "Eternals!"

Gilgamesh, is an important hero from this vast universe and has appeared in a wide range of titles!

But even as Marvel gave audiences so many moments to love Gilgamesh, it never quite made a real impact with his ties to "The Epic of Gilgamesh" or the first Hulk until the present!

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Hulk's Ancestry

MCU's Hulk with monsters battling behind him. Image

With "The Incredible Hulk #16" a new chapter was unveiled in the history of the Hulk!

  • The comics bring to the fore that Bruce Banner has a connection to some super, ancient history! There were hints and those that paid close attention may have suspected something like this, even as this world is changing for the modern Hulk. The origin of the Hulk seems to go even deeper.

With "The Incredible Hulk" the comic series is showcasing a deeper level, where this amazing character shows up! For a while, it was said he was just an ordinary human. With all this information, he could just be one part of an ongoing power struggle, and that might mean we are about to learn more about those events! What is important is to always look out for a chance to read some truly inspiring comics from Marvel. It may bring a new sense of understanding about characters we know and love. The Incredible Hulk #16 brought something new to the series, which really will be one of the most inspiring stories to watch in this amazing superhero genre!

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