Movies News Talk

The Far Side's Therapy: Gary Larson's Hilarious Take on Mental Health

Gary Larson’s The Far Side is a classic of comedic illustrations, giving fans an absurd, hilarious and often unexpected look at the world! And his take on the modern idea of therapy, particularly with his memorable characters, was no exception!

Gary Larson’s Take On Therapy

Larson frequently depicted people in therapist’s offices to create humor. And he even put together a unique style, by showing just how the doctor felt about their patients. His jokes often brought out a strange and hilarious truth, which is something everyone enjoys when looking for those laugh-out-loud moments!

Also Read: The Far Side: Gary Larson's Hilarious Animal Comics

Ten Most Clever Far Side Comics Poking Fun At Therapy

Far Side, April 29, 1991, a cat tells its therapist it is starting to feel dependent Image

Let’s check out some of these crazy moments in The Far Side. It is going to be super funny! You may want to revisit these classics to give you a real chuckle, too!

Also Read: The Far Side: Hilarious Comics That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

A Feline Patient Struggles to Adapt to Being a Pet

Far Side, March 13, 1990 a therapist writes 'just plain nuts' on his notepad as his patient talks Image

Who doesn’t like cats? These furry, amazing, creatures often add humor to any scene. One of the funniest comics showed that even animals are ready to see a therapist. That's where one cat explains it to their doctor. Even with an unexpected feeling of being dependent. It seemed like one of those cat’s greatest struggles as it sat there on the therapist’s couch. But it’s a great take on cats being independent, always acting as if they're running the household. That’s a lot for anyone, including their owners to deal with.

Also Read: The Far Side: Iconic Comics That Make You Think and Laugh

This Far Side Comic Offers A Glimpse From the Therapist’s Perspective

Far Side, March 1, 1988, the Creature from the Black Lagoon admits to its therapist that it is becoming miserable Image

Gary Larson had a special way with a lot of humor! His iconic moments make you stop and think. One of the things that always stood out was when a scene was taken from a doctor's perspective, which was one of his special trademarks. There's an amazing comic that depicts a psychologist writing, and underlining the word "nuts." as their patient talks. There's a sense that while it may be one of the darkest interpretations about therapy it's super effective as well! What stands out most is that the artist captured the feelings from the doctor in an entertaining way and we even see a sense of apathy in how the patient isn't paying attention! Fans really love those unexpected turns.

Also Read: The Far Side: 11 Bizarre & Hilarious Comics You Need to See

On The Far Side, Just Because You’re A Monster Doesn’t Mean You Have To Act Like One

Far Side, July 7, 1987, spider tells therapist about a recurring nightmare Image

Fans of classic horror films! Gary Larson made more than one illustration of a movie monster “The Creature From the Black Lagoon,”. One of his most amazing cartoons! This comic took that iconic movie and brought that creature right to the therapist’s couch! Even the Creature doesn't look like they're enjoying being in that situation, making the humor even more interesting.

  • In this hilarious scene the monster acknowledges what they've been forced to deal with.
  • He realizes it's one thing to accept being a creature but what's worse, being a "miserable" one.

Gary Larson Spins A Parable About Getting In Your Own Way

The Far Side, a wide-eyed man grinning wildly (left) while a man with a mustache looks on concerned (right.) Image

Get ready to look at the way Larson reimagines one of "The Far Side’s" favorite creatures, the spider, but this arachnid, who also needs therapy!

This is one of Larson's funniest cartoons, especially as it takes place in the therapist's office. The spider's tale is a wild one as he’s terrified of getting caught in his own web!

It’s an incredible and memorable comic!

  • If you want to get an incredible interpretation, this could even represent the struggles of making a career!

Gary Larson Goes Out On A Limb With This Far Side Therapy Panel

Far Side, November 27, 1986, depicting an experimental procedure for treating multiple phobias Image

Some of Gary Larson’s most unforgettable cartoons had this incredible twist! There was always an attempt to take an iconic character in an almost out of this world approach. This particular The Far Side, is one of these great moments and a huge change for these types of cartoons. In this illustration, you get a real thrill when this therapist hangs their patient (who happens to be a man with lots of snakes! snakes!) out the window of a big, tall skyscraper! In this classic cartoon, a unique approach for a scene is set! To make everything so outrageous!

And it turns out to be an absolutely incredible way to do therapy to give those scared of the "heights", "the dark and "snakes the perfect approach to conquering these fears all at the same time! It certainly stands out, particularly in this series and how these kinds of comics were typically focused on the classic scenes where we get a look at the therapy experience and often in an over the top way. This, however, brings that concept, back into an iconic and recognizable manner that’s full of comedy and laughter.

Does Doctor-Crocodile Confidentiality Cover Admissions of Guilt?

Far Side, February 7, 1986, an alligator admits to eating harmless little birds Image

There's a fun-loving approach and in the world of the Far Side it’s super common to see crocodiles. But the "croc" here is in an interesting position as it shares its story with a therapist about their dietary habits, which for a crocodile isn't something to laugh about but is a perfect bit of comedy!

There’s a memorable moment where this crocodile has been eating small birds when that’s not their usual practice. There's an obvious guilt that is super compelling.

With an added comedic twist, it also brings a real-world conversation to light. If you don’t know what this crocodile has been doing! We’re treated to a comparison! That, those "tiny little birds", that are often harmless around crocodiles. In his confession, the crocodile says he has eaten them "like popcorn!" You get that sense that there is such a deep, crazy world full of amazing comedy that even "crocodiles" will see a doctor!

This Dog And Its Therapist Finally Reach The Root Of A Major Problem

The Far Side Complete Collection Book Set Image

This story gives fans a big dose of humor in The Far Side! Everyone has a fear or a moment of panic. It's why we're all treated to a story where one dog seeks the guidance of a therapist to reveal something we've probably all done in life: have a major fear, for example.

  • The cause is an interesting one!
  • That's right the mailman!! He truly brings out the worst, but the dog really admits the feelings of being "scared."

That may seem simple. What's super important, is it’s effective as well! Gary Larson's style shows just how simple and classic humor can still be so popular.

The Far Side’s Greatest Therapist Helps His Patient Overcome A Mental Block

Far Side, December 8, 1984, a dog admits to its therapist that the mail carrier scares it  Image

There is more than one side to every story and in The Far Side it's common to get a look into the patient's world but we also get to see the world of those helping their patients! One of the coolest scenes in this show shows a really cool interaction as a "lizard" tells their doctor about their difficulties as a "camouflage" artist. This is such a hilarious exchange with the therapist in action.

  • The therapist suggests that the more a patient is worried, the less likely it will be to succeed!

The Therapist’s Office Is No Place To Get Hung Up On The Past

Far Side, March 24, 1984, a therapist tells his lizard patient to relax so they can fix its color-changing problem Image

Here’s a reminder that therapists always ask you the right questions and that it can even make those around them very nervous and uncomfortable.

For those that may not know the inside jokes or those moments that everyone knows when seeing therapy depicted on screen or stage, one of the classic gags to come out of this is the line "Tell me about your mother." But one of Larson's amazing illustrations gives us another level of absurdity, and takes this line to the next step.

  • With a super, cool looking patient on a coat rack, instead of a therapist’s couch.
  • It features a super bizarre, bizarre, out of this world type of character. He is dressed as a swimmer, but they’re wearing some really strange clothes.

And there are more clues! The man has an interesting accessory to complete this unusual outfit! There is a duck inflatable on the man. The final piece, an epic birthday party hat and a false beak make the most epic part! It’s like everyone who has a therapist has this crazy look about them. What stands out, this character is going to need more than a therapist, he’s in need of more therapy, especially given the outfit and their state of being!

Just Because You’re Paranoid Doesn’t Mean They’re Not After You – Especially On The Far Side

Gary Larson (left) and a Far Side panel featuring two plane crash survivors clinging to a rock at sea Image

The world of therapy is full of so many things to explore. In this iconic comic strip the art is full of strange characters, as well! Gary Larson is very good at showing audiences the most memorable, out-of-this-world experiences. For one "Far Side" panel we see a person who is really paranoid! A guy on the therapist's couch thinks there’s someone right beneath him but when we see the shadow it turns out this is a truly surreal comic! What stands out? Well, it is what we can call a "paranoid" person's worst nightmare but one of "The Far Side’s" greatest, too!

These really capture the great sense of humor. Larson loved taking a look at our shared sense of reality with "The Far Side." His talent gives a look into why humor can still be super powerful! And even a reminder of how great "The Far Side" was.

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