Movies News Talk

The Far Side's Funniest Month: September 1984 - Gary Larson's Comic Gold!

40 Years of Far Side Fun: Celebrating September 1984's Hilarious Highlights!

Gary Larson's September 1984 Far Side: A Month of Absolute Laugh-Out-Loud Gold!

Gary Larson's The Far Side ran for 14 years (1980-1994), but September 1984? That's arguably the best month ever!  Those strips, which just turned 40 in 2024, are absolute comedic gold; and perfectly highlight just why those early years are remembered by many fondly! Larson hits almost all his favorite themes – Stone Age inventions, those classic hunter-vs-bear scenarios, and mad scientists – dinosaurs, that recurring giant squid– the whole shebang!

This article explores ten hilarious strips, highlighting why these are seriously iconic; showcasing many aspects of Larson’s sense of humor.  Plus, a completely unique twist. A look into Larson's funniest cat strip!

Also Read: The Far Side: Gary Larson's Hilarious Animal Comics

Top 10 Far Side Comics from September 1984: A Nostalgic Trip Through Hilarious Absurdity!

far side comic where a dog tries to blow up house Image

10. Grand Canyon: Acme Construction Strikes Again!

Poor signage? This results in the Acme Construction Company (those guys always create mayhem!) completely filling in the Grand Canyon! This is ridiculously funny—highlighting that impossibility of such an event, and Larson's love of Acme's absurd, terrible products. The iconic brand was part of many comics— even making a recurrence within Larson's iconic and hilariously crafted strips which made his art immediately well-known and very identifiable; demonstrating Larson’s use of a well-known brand and turning the concept around; highlighting a humorous exaggeration to demonstrate how incredibly large this area truly was.

9. Invention of the Car: Cavemen's Technological Leap

far side comic acme fills in the grand canyon Image

Larson loved those prehistoric inventors. They stumble on awesome discoveries or build oddly flawed first drafts!   This new spin, this twist, makes this iconic strip instantly funny; as one caveman has just "invented" the wheel—but he looks up to see the others have already invented a functional car! Another testament toward Larson’s use of unexpected plot turns in otherwise predictable scenarios; really showing how unexpectedly humorous those simple moments truly could be.

8. My Mistake!: Giant Squid at the Dog Pound!

far side comic about caveman inventing the wheel Image

That moment when everyday life gets surreal and silly! That's Larson in a nutshell! This focuses on a guy looking for his giant squid (Larson's recurring, hilariously oversized pet!) at a dog pound! The humorous element arises from showing just how frequently this kind of event actually occurs within that larger world, emphasizing how quickly a silly situation can suddenly appear. This concept completely changes reality; which would’ve surprised those expecting something else!

7. Parachute Problems: A Skydiver's Very Heavy Load


This uses the classic slapstick approach. A skydiver opens their parachute–only to find it's completely empty—except a piano and an anchor! The absurd setup creates instant humor, enhancing the visual itself; really demonstrating Larson’s skill in using simple art to maximize humorous impacts; those silly but impossible aspects demonstrate Larson's skill in conveying extremely unique ideas in his comics, creating an incredibly memorable experience!

6. Bobby's Dino-Sized Dilemma: Extinction's Unexpected Impact

far side comic with a giant squid in a dog pound Image

Larson's obsession with conservation shines in Bobby's tale! A kid looks for dinosaur friends for baseball; yet discovers his prehistoric friends went extinct.   This simple and memorable combination makes a sad but also funny scene— a testament toward Larson’s skill in combining a typically sad reality of nature with silly and highly memorable circumstances— showing just how deep those environmental concerns already were within Larson’s own perspective. Many Far Side products aided this important cause!

5. The Purpose of the Universe: Scientists Find Meaning (or Lack Thereof!)

far side comic about parachutes Image

Larson admitted a fondness for scientists in interviews;  a key theme throughout The Far Side.   This comic shows scientists who “discovered” the universe’s meaning. Only this is it–life's pointless. The joke works for both cynics (scientists missing the point) and optimists (finding happiness in meaninglessness). And yet those simple, relatable aspects and use of humor demonstrate just how successfully this humorous approach to science actually worked for its intended audience and how effective humor remains a powerful storytelling tool!

4. The Dog's Demolition Job: Another Explosive Attempt!


This highlights the classic problem: catching a dog being bad. But instead of slippers or pee; this dog is blowing up the house— apparently for not the first time! It really demonstrates just how far Larson went to exceed typical jokes— adding those creative elements and a memorable dog to demonstrate just how silly the storyline can become; generating the unexpected levels of humor only Larson could achieve! These very human but completely silly experiences and use of exaggerated dog behavior truly demonstrates the artist’s unique ability to find the truly silly aspect of life; making even those otherwise frustrating experiences completely enjoyable.

3. Trivia Tonight: When God Takes on a Human

far side comic about dinosaur extinction Image

A gameshow matchup against God!   That’s extremely controversial territory. But Larson did it smartly, in those methods that could avoid complaints (and lightning bolts!): God looks exactly like we expect. And wins big!   The ingenious concept of using religious iconography in an utterly memorable way emphasizes Larson’s unique and brilliant skill as a creative storyteller. Even the slightest change could’ve easily failed – this is easily a great moment in comic design and demonstrating that seemingly minor details have massive impacts on how creative ideas can function.

2. Let's Take a Look: A Bear's Puppet Show with a Gruesome Twist

far side comic scientists discover the universe is equal to 0 Image

bear puts on a puppet show using hunter skulls! It’s darkly hilarious—making us see that horror scene before the show starts! The humour created in a single frame, through careful choice of context truly highlights Larson’s talent and how those choices can create those amazing experiences!  Another perfectly brilliant example of humor creating maximum impact!

1. That Cat's Doing It Again: A Wholesome Take on Feline Behavior

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Far Side often showed that iconic cat-dog dynamic; but this features only the cat, making a wordplay on “play.” This means either a prolonged hunt—or a simple game of fetch. That unique element in feline behavior – something universally recognizable— created something fun and unexpected—perfectly highlighting Larson’s unique talent, combining memorable imagery with an extremely relatable aspect, truly displaying his own skillset for producing a completely adorable, hilarious comic.

Also Read: The Far Side's Therapy: Gary Larson's Hilarious Take on Mental Health

Conclusion: September 1984: A Month That Defined The Far Side!

the far side god on a quiz show winning by a huge margin Image

Those September 1984 Far Side comics are comedic masterpieces!  Those brilliantly unexpected details– the mix of classic Larson themes and surprising twists; those small but deeply important creative design elements that maximize humorous impact from a simple image; show why Gary Larson remains so beloved and important within that time, showcasing that humor and careful insight really created those extremely memorable scenes and his overall talent for finding what truly made his particular style incredibly funny!

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