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Sly Moore: Darth Vader's Unexpected Rival in Star Wars

Darth Vader's Unsuspecting Rival

While Darth Vader held the position of Emperor Palpatine's apprentice for years, he wasn't without rivals. A fascinating and unexpected competitor emerges from within the shadows of the Star Wars galaxy, ready to challenge Vader's power: Sly Moore.

Sly Moore: Palpatine's Aide

Sly Moore is not just a minor character in the Star Wars prequels. She served as Palpatine's chief aide for years, earning access to his inner circles, gaining vital insights into the Emperor's machinations. Being Force-sensitive allows her to manipulate minds, potentially putting her in a position of power.

The Schism Imperial Threat

Moore leads a clandestine resistance network known as the Schism Imperial. Their primary goal was to overthrow Emperor Palpatine and seize control of the Empire. It was this covert network that posed one of the greatest threats to Palpatine's grip on the galaxy since his rise to power.

Sly Moore's Ambitions

The story of Sly Moore reveals a depth beyond her previous portrayal. She had always seemed a dutiful assistant but harbors her own ambitions that were carefully hidden from the galaxy. She secretly desires to replace Darth Vader as Palpatine's apprentice.

Sly Moore and the Umbarans

Moore’s origin is the planet Umbara, which became a major force against the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. However, she remains loyal to Palpatine, which speaks volumes about her deception. The Umbara arc of "The Clone Wars" established that the Umbarans had a culture steeped in shadows and strategy.

The Schism Imperial: A Powerful Threat

The Schism Imperial possesses a vast network of assets that stretch across the Star Wars galaxy, granting them the ability to exert great influence in the Empire. They threaten to disrupt the entire galaxy's power structure and the Sith Rule that had taken hold.

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