Movies News Talk

Power Rangers Prime: Samurai Rangers Return! Release Date, Trailer & More!

Power Rangers Prime: Samurai Rangers Return in Explosive New Series!

Power Rangers Prime: The Samurai Rangers Are BACK!

Get ready for some serious Ranger action, because the Samurai Rangers are returning in a big way! This exciting new series, Power Rangers Prime, from BOOM! Studios (writers Melissa Flores and Michael YG) is dropping November 13th. It was previously hinted that Lauren Shiba (the first female Red Ranger) would be back. Now we have official confirmation in a brand new trailer— the ENTIRE Samurai team makes an appearance. This alone is huge for fans of the Power Rangers Samurai series (2011 and 2012's Super Samurai seasons)! The trailer alone showcases plenty of unexpected plot elements.

This reboot also has a bunch of other teasers– hinting at a potential connection to previous BOOM! Studios' Rangers series, even teasing something big and related to the broader Rangerverse itself. That makes this not merely a simple reboot, folks! But rather something totally designed around various ideas which could bring far more elements from older plots and series!

Also Read: Power Rangers PRIME: The Next Chapter in the Power Rangers Comic Book Universe

Samurai Rangers: Fugitives and Fighting Fury!

Zordon's head (foreground) with various comic book versions of the Power Rangers on either side of him. Image

The synopsis for Power Rangers Prime #1 is intense:

"Angel Grove University students face a difficult choice after crossing paths with a fugitive straight out of legend. The consequences for hiding her are dire…but her existence may not stay secret for long."

That trailer shows us the intensity we might expect from the Samurai Rangers. We see them training–that iconic scene of the Shiba House dojo!  This serene and quiet atmosphere ends and suddenly turns incredibly dramatic, with mysterious green creatures invading their headquarters, forcing a serious morphing sequence. Even more amazing: The Samurai Megazord faces off against a wildebeest monster– it has epic, massive scale.   Given Lauren Shiba’s status as a fugitive in this new storyline, the possibility exists the other Samurai Rangers could be fugitives too!

The trailer shows the typical Red Ranger morph, but the Red Ranger shown here has black hair; an entirely new Ranger. The explanation is simple– perhaps using the old Samurai Rangers’ morphers, especially within the context of an urgent emergency situation which would have the new team members morph as a critical moment of need! Those initial suits would certainly appear. A perfect way to integrate these classic characters into this new storyline while hinting that those newcomers might get unique suits later!

Also Read: The Infinity Force, a new Power Rangers team, makes its exclusive debut in August.

A Deeper Connection to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers? The Eltarian Mystery

Comic book cover: Eltar propaganda featuring Eltarian warrior Zordon with a child on his shoulder. Image

There’s something very intriguing highlighted here. We get glimpses of Eltarians (from Zordon's home planet, Eltar) – in past previews, alternate covers and, now, this trailer. A black-bearded Eltarian looks very much like ZartusZordon's former ally, the guy who turned on him during Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Eltarian War arc! This reveals far more plot elements and thematic concerns which could bring that nostalgic fan-favorite story arc forward from that earlier iteration and those stories told many years previously.   If it's Zartus? This is going to deeply tie into that whole MMPR comic series, far more deeply than people were actually expecting; thus turning this whole concept into something quite different.

Those past hints suggested a wholly unique Power Rangers universe, which makes those new thematic ideas all the more intriguing! Now, it might bring back other important parts of earlier storylines, without simply merely rehashing old concepts.

Also Read: Meet The New Team Of Rangers! Power Rangers Infinity.

Conclusion: Power Rangers Prime Promises An Epic New Chapter


Power Rangers Prime promises some really great stuff; intense action and an exciting blend of nostalgia and originality which only these newer entries can really deliver in terms of audience enjoyment. Those returning Samurai Rangers raise expectations while the addition of unique plots could turn this whole premise into something totally unpredictable; meaning it’s going to give this whole storyline even more surprise value! Don’t miss it. And as with any big storyline reveal, these elements would create deeper discussions on the themes featured. Those thematic concerns would highlight even more the deep and pervasive storyline within this franchise.

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