Celebrating the end of its flagship Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic book series, BOOM! Studios is offering a set of exclusive events and collectible items at San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) 2024. BOOM! Studios is committed to honoring the legacy of the Power Rangers franchise even as the publisher is ending the mainline series with the "Darkest Hour" storyline.
The gifted artist Goñi Montes is producing four limited edition variant covers for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #122 for the publisher. At SDCC 2024 these covers featuring famous Power Rangers helmets will be available for sale. With three limited to 150 copies and the ultra-rare Green/White Ranger design limited to just 50 copies, every cover is a singular collectible.
Renowned for her performance as the first Pink Ranger in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers television series, Amy Jo Johnson is adding to the buzz at SDCC by bringing weekend signings to the BOOM! Studios booth. Fans can also purchase a full foil version of Jenny Frison's 1:50 incentive cover for Johnson's co-written alternative universe Ranger series, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return. Amy Jo Johnson will personally sign these limited edition covers, which cost $60.
BOOM! Studios is thanking its devoted readers for eight years of support even as the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic book series draws to an end. The publisher is stressing that this is not the end of the Power Rangers franchise and is giving these special SDCC items as a thank you to readers who have made the comic series such a hit.
Fans of Power Rangers have an opportunity to celebrate the legacy of the show and take advantage of special items and meet with important franchise personalities at the SDCC event. Whether you are a newbie or a lifetime enthusiast, SDCC presents a special chance to really explore the universe of Power Rangers.
Series of Power Rangers Comics: A Look Back
Published by BOOM! Studios, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic book line has been both a commercial and critical triumph. The show's legacy was carried forward in the series, which also included fresh characters and investigated difficult subjects.
Effects of the Comic Book Series Power Rangers
The Power Rangers comic book series has had a big influence on the franchise since it brought fresh ideas and viewpoints that fans could relate with. In the field of comics, it has also helped Power Rangers remain rather popular.
What direction the Power Rangers Franchise is headed?
The Power Rangers franchise is expected to carry on even as the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comic book series ends. For Power Rangers enthusiasts, the future presents fascinating opportunities with possible new series, adaptations, and special events on horizon.