Starting a new series, Nullhunter, Image Comics reinterpretes the Twelve Labors of Hercules in a futuristic cyberpunk environment. Set for publication in October 2024, this fascinating series blends elements of dystopian sci-fi background with classic Greek mythology. Nullhunter should appeal to readers of cyberpunk action as well as mythological stories.
Michael Walsh (writer, most known for his work on The Silver Coin) and Gustaffo Vargas (artist, most known for his work on Marvel's Voices X-Men) make up the creative team behind Nullhunter. Their working together seeks to create a visually breathtaking and narratively interesting experience.
War hero Clay Nullhunter discovers great tragedy upon getting home. Seeking justice for his loss, Clay must work for OLYMP0S, the strong company owned by his estranged father. His first mission drives him to the far-off N3M-3A in search of a stolen consignment of war lions. This project starts a sequence of twelve difficult chores, each apparently impossible, that will take Clay to the far reaches of space and expose the actual cause of evil in the universe.
Said to be a "interplay of 80s-inspired dystopian storytelling and art in the same vein as fan-favorites like Ronin and Blade Runner," Nullhunter is Though with a futuristic, cyberpunk twist, the series features familiar Greek mythological themes including Olympus, Zeus, and the Nemean lion. According to the preview pages, Nullhunter will not hold back when delving into the darker sides of the Hercules/Heracles myth.
Having grown up surrounded in mythology books, writer Michael Walsh reveals his abiding interest with Greek mythology. "For a long time, I've wanted to take a crack at making a Hercules comic, but I could never find a unique and original way in," he says in explaining his wish to present a fresh viewpoint on these stories. Combining the traditional myth with a cyberpunk environment, Nullhunter marks the pinnacle of Walsh's passion and inventiveness.
The Nullhun artist Gustaffo Vargas embraced the difficulty in realizing Walsh's vision. Vargas notes, "My brain got loaded with tons of ideas and I couldn't wait to start building this world when Michael told me his idea about creating a Cyberpunk saga of Hercules in space." He sees the project as a chance to push his artistic limits and provide an aesthetically arresting experience.
Combining cyberpunk with mythology in Nullhunter honors a rich legacy of inspiration found in science fiction and comic books. With its original mix of modern aesthetics and classic mythology, Nullhunter hopes to expand on this legacy.
Image Comics plans to publish Null hunter #1 on October 23, 2024.