Movies News Talk

Mystique #1: Destiny's Death Rocks the X-Men! Fan Outrage Explained

X-men's Shocking Twist: Did Mystique's Wife Just Bite the Dust?!

The X-Men's Latest Era: A Controversial Killing Spree?!

The X-men are facing some seriously intense fan debates about this current era, and the newest issue of Mystique just dropped a major bombshell: the possible death of a fan-favorite character, who was actually a pretty big player only a few short months prior to the release of this issue.   This particular event has got many people questioning what this decision implies for the ongoing plot elements and the intentions of Marvel for this particular franchise. Let’s dive into what’s making people upset–spoiler alert: This involves discussing Mystique (2024) #1. And it is juicy.

That recent issue just ended with an absolutely crazy twist:  the seeming death of DestinyMystique's wife. Now this isn’t any small event, and the fact that it did occur and is causing such heated reactions already demonstrates why people will continue paying attention; those major themes highlighted will become focal points that Marvel must deal with moving forward, or further lose significant fans!

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Mystique #1: Espionage, Fury, and a Fatal Shot

Destiny's apparent death in Mystique (2024) #1 Image

The comic itself has two related plots:  Mystique is hunting this mysterious "Protozoa".  Then Nick Fury Jr. (with encouragement from Fury Sr.—or is that a shapeshifter?!) decides that a powerful mutant like Mystique can't be allowed to do secret spy missions without S.H.I.E.L.D's say-so! A super tense chase occurs; culminating in a battle resulting in a raid. That ends however, very unexpectedly for most.

Destiny gets shot during this attack, seemingly dead! The fact that it was an accidental killing— done unintentionally by Nick Fury’s S.H.I.E.L.D team-- is precisely why that shocking end felt both unexpected but highly believable.

This entire confrontation highlights and emphasizes what actually happened and the enormous implications inherent in the situation presented: It directly connects to several larger, highly significant storylines.

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Destiny's Significance in X-Men Lore: From Krakoa to a Controversial Death

Destiny and Mystique holding Nightcrawler collage Image

Mystique and Destiny's relationship was huge throughout the Krakoan Era of the X-Men.  That era however saw very controversial decisions. Precognitive mutants were considered too dangerous for resurrection (mostly because the planner behind that utopian island hated her)! Mystique was really angered that Professor X and Magneto didn't revive her, causing this character to ultimately do the reviving herself.   This directly created significant friction and created multiple major storylines for the series itself; a core part that shaped its existence!

Destiny's influence increased. She’s a powerful precognitive who led those intense battles against Mister Sinister and Enigma! This also created major plot developments that would heavily influence much of the existing lore at this point.  Her attempts to prevent Mystique's death made matters tragically ironic; creating a compelling storyline emphasizing love amidst powerful mystical ability. Now this event showcases Destiny and Mystique in the new "From the Ashes" period, raising serious concerns which affect a vast amount of the lore.  The way this happens makes this all that more problematic.

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Is Destiny Really Dead? (Probably Not!)

inferno mystique and destiny cover Image

Almost certainly a fake-out, most people think that.  Destiny’s precognitive ability? It makes getting totally surprised very, very unlikely. The fact her face remains unshown? Another crucial plot detail which is worth noting!  Mystique is a shapeshifter; those initial elements emphasize this point early, and that creates additional suspense. Maybe she did this together with her wife— or Destiny did it entirely independently for an undisclosed and extremely intriguing reason. This uncertainty fuels ongoing excitement! This unexpected storyline twist really is the very thing which continues the engagement from a large amount of audiences already invested in this lore.

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Shock Value vs. Responsible Storytelling: A Difficult Question

Mystique Transformations Image

Even assuming this whole thing is a clever bit of deception for continued storytelling elements later – there’s something questionable here: This ending just might read as cheap, deliberately provocative just for the sake of outrage. And the creators really should expect criticism. It can't simply be passed over! It is not impossible to create serious and intense plotlines without playing to the lowest common denominator and choosing shock value over narrative intelligence. The death of such a vital queer character should always trigger concern! The fact that it happens also really forces this reflection onto every aspect surrounding the plot points within the overall story of the series!

Metatextual Meanings: Beyond the Plot Itself

Mystique and Destiny Wedding kissing Image

The Mystique/Destiny relationship’s impact on Krakoa runs deep—metatextually too! In the '80s, Marvel's homophobic practices totally meant this relationship was mostly hinted at and unconfirmed on the page; This makes Krakoa's focus on this lesbian romance deeply meaningful – showcasing Marvel's evolution and growth. This makes that ending deeply problematic because its very potential is not only showing this change is not permanent, this could easily lead toward regression.

If Destiny’s death isn’t reversed quickly (it really needs to be!), this sends another metatextual statement that some writers just want to cancel that whole queer relationship–even when considering just how important they were!  Even a charitable reading needs to explain the reasons behind such changes and choices.

Conclusion: A Wait-and-See Situation

Mystique #1 cover featuring Mystique with a gun and a knife.  Image

The whole Mystique #1 ending leaves much to be desired, though that is entirely predictable, even expected of an incredibly vast superhero franchise; yet the controversy involved means that this must not be treated lightly; The significance is profound and that whole death remains incredibly controversial!

Let’s be honest, those cliffhanger endings are expected from these kind of superhero comic book titles; they hook viewers, encouraging those readers to want and eagerly purchase subsequent installments for these kinds of unexpected cliffhangers; and even if Destiny's death is fake–its impact means Marvel needs to address these intense questions.  That metatextual weight of ending a very significant LGBTQ+ storyline; and for some incredibly specific and arguably cheap shock value– especially regarding some sensitive current themes involved within both real life LGBTQ+ communities as well as the historical struggles and problems already featured, remains the truly alarming point that this new storyline presents and needs very careful evaluation going forward.

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