Deku, the lovable and dedicated hero from My Hero Academia is best known for saving lives and inspiring generations of hopefuls, but what if he was different?
In one of the most unexpected turns of events, Izuku Midoriya decided to walk a path that not everyone saw coming.
A powerful, compelling series had Deku's biggest turn when he went dark!
You see "ariem._.cosplay" put this new, darker look in action! It was also thanks to "squirtlesquadphotography". This cosplayer really captures how awesome this new persona really is. Fans loved this new cosplay that captured one of Deku's most compelling changes and one of his most recognized changes and one of his most reputable changes.
What is truly powerful about the costume "ariem._.cosplay", is that they took Deku’s iconic suit that is primarily green! They added these elements of distress to it, showing wear and tear from hard-fought battles. Fans know that Deku, as the true hero of the series has always shown his heart! In this story and cosplay, the suit’s damage represents this major turning point!
The cosplayer kept a lot of those amazing, important elements from his suit such as:
Even with the updates. Fans see that the real, most terrifying part is the new, totally amazing mask! It doesn't make it hard to find this cos-player's work as they gave it an interesting twist! You're left looking into Deku's glowing eyes as the face remains a mystery and in this new iteration there are some dark elements like:
It's not only an impressive set of elements! You can see a few additional things that the cos-player had the foresight to add:
You might wonder why Deku needed a dark look or why he changed! Well, that goes back to this important part of his story: Deku's realization he could use the force of his ancestors with One For All, allowing him to discover new abilities! He unlocks new and powerful elements that set him on an intense path. You also see these great powers coming together, it creates a perfect image to really represent his transformation!
The cosplayer really does create some great photos that reflect this awesome moment in the series! It brings about those dark moments and really captures how the hero might become even more frightening. The cosplayer did so well by including those visual elements as if he was entering battle.
Deku might be known as the bright and cheery figure, one who would save the day with the iconic pose of "Plus Ultra!". But, the Dark Hero Arc gives everyone a reason to reconsider! He is going down a different path, maybe one filled with doubt, with a sense of melancholy. This new side to him is amazing, but this is the version where you want him to keep being that hero who we love.
It’s a testament to what makes this cos-play so compelling and to why Deku's "Dark Hero" Arc continues to bring such intrigue to fans!