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Jean Grey is a GOD! Gorr the God Butcher Targets Phoenix in Marvel Comics!

Jean Grey: From X-men to GOD?! Marvel's Newest Deity Faces Down Cosmic Threats!

Jean Grey: The X-Men's Founding Member Who Became a Literal GOD!

Whoa, hold onto your mutant powers, comic book fans! Jean Grey, that legendary founding member of the X-Men, has officially ascended to GODHOOD!  This is not some metaphor! This is an actual, honest-to-goodness, cosmic upgrade. The Marvel Universe is about to get way more interesting thanks to previews released for Phoenix #4 (created by Stephanie Phillips, Alessandra Miracolo, David Curiel, and Cory Petit)! This isn't simply a storyline progression and is confirmed to have major impact and this character upgrade is happening right now; completely reshaping how important she remains!

Part of Marvel's new "From the Ashes" era,  Jean's solo galactic adventures made her seriously powerful; so powerful she completely caught the attention of every possible high-profile official; from intergalactic politicians; down to that ultimate god-slaying maniac: Gorr the God Butcher!

Also Read: Black Order in Upcoming Marvel Comic by Jean Grey's Phoenix Thanos.

Gorr the God Butcher Has a NEW Target: Jean Grey, the Cosmic Phoenix!


A preview released gives a pretty clear insight to this; after taking on such extreme amounts of cosmic threats, those politicians are worried! Even more significant – Gorr specifically arrives!  The preview focuses on those worried space-faring politicians, from the Galactic Council, mostly Gladiator who worries Jean's power may lead to problems. But that fear becomes a reality – and quickly, with the preview directly impacting and providing major implications and consequences!  Gorr's arrival showcases Jean's divine status– Gorr only targets, hunts down and murders gods who’ve apparently failed.

Why did Gorr go after Jean specifically? After all her feats— it suggests he had been tracking her after those immense displays of power. His presence highlights those really significant changes and the implications for her newly-found status as something much bigger than those earlier events indicated. This doesn’t simply mean a storyline adjustment! And its implications can really redefine just how powerful Jean Grey’s powers became and those very significant changes will completely reshape not only her place but the nature of how many other conflicts can now potentially unfold within this expansive Marvel setting!

Also Read: Thanos vs. Phoenix: A Highly Anticipated Fight in Marvel Comics

Jean Grey’s Godly Deeds: From Dying Suns to Black Holes

Phoenix #1 Yasmin Putri, Jean Grey wielding the fiery power of the Phoenix. Image

This event was confirmed after many truly impressive moments highlighted in Phoenix #4. The Krakoa era ended with Jean playing an essential part in the Phoenix's rebirth; resulting in increased amounts of powers that were impossible even prior to that immense transformation!  She also wields an enormous amount of raw, cosmic energy that completely exceeds previously shown ability.

Jean’s abilities and the subsequent results created some epic cosmic saves and the resulting battles with immense cosmic foes. She halted a dying sun from exploding by absorbing all its energy. She beat Thanos's Black Order single-handedly (impressive!). And she totally stabilized a black hole to save various intergalactic prisoners.  Those are some Thor-level feats! These examples of Jean's achievements and victories further show the magnitude of this sudden change to the characters themselves! Those abilities demonstrate the intensity and truly enormous amounts of raw, unstoppable power she is capable of utilizing; that makes her place as something greater than her own humanity – and it demonstrates clearly just why she was seen by Gorr as a valid target. And that's important.  Those immense displays of powers didn't simply come out of nowhere.  It sets her apart; becoming worthy enough that even Gorr himself sees value in eliminating such power.

Also Read: X-Men Franchise Restives Founding Hero, Jean Grey's Phoenix Power Returns.

New Enemies for a God: Facing Down Cosmic Horror

Jean Grey holding her hands to her head and using her powers in Marvel comics Image

Even more surprising–  while fixing a black hole she freed that bad dude, Perrikus. That’s the key here! His alliance with Adani (someone blaming the Phoenix for her dad’s death, who now possesses those powers required to take on those deities!)  plus the Black Order to hunt Jean? That’s exactly the sort of threat typically reserved for beings like Thor— yet, the magnitude shows just how different those kinds of characters and circumstances had become! It establishes her importance in this larger setting; those really impressive victories shown against serious, enormous foes demonstrate that her position has completely changed; those high stakes moments, which completely redefine the setting of her story, and is a profound demonstration that the character upgrade also meant her place had been redefined; she wasn’t merely a mutant; her power levels had become impossible.

Also Read: Sentinels Relaunch: X-Men's Most Fearsome Enemy Returns in Marvel Comics

Conclusion: Jean Grey's Ascension: A Turning Point For X-Men And Beyond


Jean Grey is no longer just an X-Men hero! Her promotion and elevation to an actual god shows an amazing turning point; completely shaking the Marvel Universe. It raises many issues; what does this mean for her place amongst other similar individuals such as Thor and the impact this may have within those environments surrounding her actions! And more importantly, the implications for upcoming storylines suggest the scale and intensity will remain just as extreme in the near future!

Gorr's presence; along with this new high-powered group trying to kill Jean shows a whole new level of dangerous, cosmic conflicts coming to the X-Men and across the Marvel Universe— emphasizing that this upgrade means immense opportunities, yet brings just as immense dangers and risks; completely shifting how the story continues forward.

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