Movies News Talk

Jason Lee Scott: The Greatest Power Ranger of All Time?

Jason Lee Scott: Why He's STILL the Greatest Power Ranger of All Time!

Jason Lee Scott: The OG Red Ranger – And Why He's the BEST!

Jason Lee Scott. The name alone is synonymous with Power Rangers history, and is one of the most loved Red Rangers! He is the undisputed best Red Ranger, for very good reasons. But some fans might have only ever seen him in the original TV show. Many details in BOOM! Studios' amazing Power Rangers comics actually solidified Jason's position as a legend!

He earned this amazing reputation by achieving heroic feats in the original series, demonstrating leadership and prowess as a Power Ranger. That success continued to surprise those audiences when those added stories came into view and his iconic character took on an even bigger stage within BOOM! Studio's work; taking the character's amazing personality, strength and values to explore even further those inherent characteristics found within Jason.

Also Read: Power Rangers: Prime #1 - Lauren Shiba as the New Red Ranger!

Top 10 Reasons Jason Lee Scott Remains the Greatest Red Ranger EVER!

10. Work Ethic: The Ultimate Multitasker

Ever wondered what a Power Ranger's week looks like? A dedicated comic storyline shows exactly how busy their lives are! We see Jason balancing karate teaching, Ranger training, studying, workouts, Ranger missions, AND homework.   It’s totally insane, but at the end, Jason's enthusiastic to do it all over again, demonstrating a superhuman level of discipline and motivation! That tireless commitment; that insane energy devoted to protecting people! That, combined with his superhuman efforts truly cement what this unique character stands for. And the amazing ability to endure these hardships! This commitment highlights exactly just how much the Power Rangers truly matter to Jason; this insane commitment shows just how serious a Ranger must be to face so many difficulties that any other regular human wouldn’t likely endure. That commitment to that life, demonstrates the seriousness required to become a true Power Ranger legend, without needing other additions or extraneous efforts!

9. White Ranger in the Ultimate Timeline (Defeating Drakkon)

Featured Image: the full Power Rangers team from the BOOM! Studios comics Image

The World of the Coinless? An alternate reality where the Green Ranger remains evil and continues working under Rita Repulsa’s command. In that specific scenario; Tommy's evil, but a new White Ranger becomes necessary; this makes Jason the natural choice when they attempt to get another White Ranger; only stopped by Lord Drakkon, resulting in Jason becoming a captive! Yet, through sheer resilience and defiance, Jason survives years of imprisonment!

8. Mourning Tommy: Leading Through Grief

Jason Lee Scott the Red Ranger is given the Green Ranger's Dragon Shield as the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers grieve the death of Tommy Oliver Image

Lord Drakkon murdered Tommy Oliver on his date with Kimberly!  The Rangers are heartbroken. But they have to continue!   Jason faces even greater struggles; especially after assuming Tommy's armor and getting ready to fight, immediately after Tommy’s funeral! He completely pushes forward during the greatest moment of vulnerability for himself.

7. Shattered Grid Speech: A Leader's Inspiring Words

Comic book panel: Red Ranger Jason Lee Scott gives a speech in front of other rangers. Image

Following the above moment and the earlier struggles facing these Rangers, we have that truly heartbreaking battle against Drakkon’s army – a group consisting of endless amounts of Power Rangers from many eras.  Jason leads a group with countless Rangers; across multiple realities! The weight on Jason's shoulders is intense. He channels that trauma through his truly awe-inspiring speech before launching an epic attack; he shows his capacity to uplift; and motivate through even moments of profound grief!  He's truly incredible. That ability is essential; this kind of genuine empathy remains a hallmark and one of those values deeply established within his character.

6. Leading the Omega Rangers: A Galaxy-Saving Mission

The Blue Emissary makes Jason Lee Scott the Red Ranger remember the Mighty Morphin battle against Lord Drakkon from Shattered Grid in Go Go Power Rangers #23 Image

The Shattered Grid ends. Those memories get erased and Jason’s past is erased by those involved to try and recover some level of consistency throughout all that destruction. Yet a supremely powerful being wants Jason’s memory, needed for an epic mission to protect the entire galaxy from the dangers still lurking from outside of this newly repaired universe! Recreating these memories hurt,   but that is completely overlooked when you’re needed by the very fabric of existence itself and shows the very core of Jason’s selflessness. That decision for the greater good clearly indicates what an exceptionally well-thought out hero actually is and really illustrates just why this person,  Jason, is far and beyond worthy of all the attention his persona generates.

5. Jason vs. Lord Zedd: A One-on-One Victory

The Omega Rangers summon their Zord to punch Lord Zedd in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #45 Image

This is the kind of moment that only an iconic Red Ranger could do. The Omega Rangers team with Mighty Morphin;  facing Dayne, a Zedd ally. This later resulted in Jason facing Lord Zedd one-on-one. This moment alone is completely unexpected! Most audiences who have only ever watched the show completely would never have anticipated something such as a one-on-one battle involving these specific two characters, even though Zedd had a very, very difficult fight with Tommy. The significance of the moment should not be overlooked and makes a far more stunning achievement; and proves this Red Ranger is the best, for multiple reasons.

4. Jason vs. Tommy: The Ultimate Sparring Match

redesigned Power Rangers Samurai Red Ranger for Prime cover Image

This moment involves a really intense moment between Jason and Tommy! Mighty Morphin discovers that the Omega Rangers were those who disappeared earlier.  And that really, really angers Tommy. He felt abandoned by Jason. This all ends up resulting in an intense sparring session! It displays the amazing combat skillset inherent in both,  but Jason ultimately wins, adding another layer which helps solidify Jason’s status. While many might say either Jason or Tommy is the best leader; this showcases another perspective; demonstrating Jason is the truly superior fighter; thus capable of greater accomplishments due to this superior capability.

3. Jason’s Resilience: Facing Personal Tragedy With Unwavering Duty

The Mighty Morphin and Omega Rangers mourn the death of Jason Lee Scott the Red Ranger's mom on the cover art for Power Rangers #20 Image

Jason's dad gets cancer. That's devastating. Jason struggles.  He cares for him while being a Ranger, always being ready and facing any new obstacles head-on. In a later arc involving Jason; this new development regarding the immense amount of sadness surrounding this very pivotal point shows a greater side: His mother (Ann Christine Scott) dies suddenly.   It was even completely while Jason was busy protecting people from other interstellar dangers and is completely distraught; not just by the loss, but the total inability to be with those who need him most at this particular point of distress in his own life. He’s absolutely shattered; Yet he makes a surprisingly choice, continuing as a Ranger – prioritizing the welfare and lives of many others above his own immediate concerns. The sacrifice alone showcases exactly how deep Jason's own commitment to doing good remains.

2. Defeating the Death Ranger and His Retirement

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #100, Jason the Red Omega, defeats the Death Ranger. Image

Issue 100 was amazing: Jason defeated that insanely powerful Death Ranger; who posed a risk to everyone! It totally ended up being Jason who stops them!  His actions made the galaxy safe. Then this totally awesome decision follows after; his retirement from being a Ranger! Passing the Red Ranger mantle onto Trini marks the perfect farewell and beginning. The amazing ability to give something so critically significant and willingly allows a well-deserved legacy and marks that new stage in those Rangers' lives.

1. The Vigilante Years: A Hero Never Retires

This article mentions other adventures beyond that ending in BOOM! Studios’ Rangerverse. That never-ending commitment towards heroic duties and those various events showcase his heroism; this completely new character aspect showcases the commitment and duty ingrained deeply in Jason’s very existence. This shows another crucial element not necessarily shown in other Rangers or earlier versions of Jason: A vigilante after officially retiring – he still works, completely selflessly. He protects people and stops many other criminal activities after the original war’s end, thus completely proving that heroism is always possible and the amazing strength necessary to maintain that status through multiple changes and even despite those incredibly complex developments inherent within that vast Power Rangers timeline.

Also Read: The Infinity Force, a new Power Rangers team, makes its exclusive debut in August.

Conclusion: A Legend’s Legacy Continues

Jason Lee Scott isn't just the greatest Red Ranger.  He's this unbelievably dedicated individual that uses amazing personal strength and moral fortitude; maintaining this intense duty and commitment, without end!  He has made those immense, critical and far-reaching impacts, leaving this indelible legacy on those countless individuals from other realities and eras! And that legacy extends even through that intense grief; thus his incredible ability to still accomplish so many amazing things!

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