Movies News Talk

Iron Man's Latest Armor: Hulkbuster vs. King in Black

Everyone knows Iron Man! His armor is as iconic as his inventions, giving fans of the Marvel Universe, incredible moments filled with awesome powers, but no matter how strong he may appear there's a possibility that even the strongest might falter!

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Iron Man’s New Armor Was Designed For An Ultimate Challenge

Fans who have read through "Venom War: Spider-Man #3," you know it’s a pretty interesting universe, and that Iron Man always finds a new invention to get to his latest and most terrifying opponents!

If you are thinking of what an ultimate adversary could be? That's pretty terrifying, a dark, sinister version of Spider-Man, one who will not only defeat the mighty heroes but looks to transform into the mighty, powerful and legendary, "King in Black," taking down all the super heroes of this universe. It is an event that you will not be able to ignore! This event took the powers and the fear to a whole other level for Iron Man!

The series even showed what it was like to make his suit to take down a villain as massive and terrifying as Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man! The latest armor design appears to give you some major Hulkbuster vibes!

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The Hulkbuster Gets a Makeover!

Iron Man Hulkling and the GotG confront King in Black Spider-Man Image

The series goes into a new direction! Iron Man's design took on an incredible upgrade. While Iron Man is usually known for his red and gold color scheme! The suit that is shown off is full of silver tones with gold accents! And don't forget, even though it's amazing visually. It may give you a hint that it might be a lot stronger and well, super effective as it seems to overshadow one of the biggest heroes.

There were plenty of reasons why this new design would help this hero beat down on any opponents he may come up against, especially those as strong and brutal as Spider-Man in "Venom War: Spider-Man."!

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A Design Built to Defeat Spider-Man’s King In Black

Spider-Man King in Black Defeats Iron Man Image

This was not a design to take on Hulk! Even though this incredible design appears to be an incredible take on Hulkbuster and those of you that have watched Iron Man, may think they may not defeat Hulk. Iron Man actually made many incredible, amazing, awesome, upgraded versions! It appears as if this version could handle more and make this iconic, recognizable villain to do something quite impressive! In fact, if you’re familiar with the designs of this suit you might already be in the know! It’s very possible they could feature repulsors and shoulder-mounted weapons.

Even more, they seem to add another element to his Suit with weapons for a major update that would make it even stronger.

You see Iron Man did something truly impressive. But in a world where it seemed like almost everything has been conquered, and heroes like Steve Rogers, Wiccan, Nebula and a bunch of Avengers were taken down, "Iron Man" was no match. It seems the heroes were in a really rough spot!

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The Iron Man Armor Falls Short:

If you can't believe that a Hulkbuster-inspired suit could be outmatched? Iron Man has given fans so many cool moments where his creations have brought forth new powers! It’s just a great illustration of just how hard these heroes have had to work over the course of these comics.

In "Venom War: Spider-Man" we get some incredible views into this alternative universe and even though it looks super cool, there may have been too many struggles with "The King in Black."

  • Even more we get a glimpse of Captain Marvel, but this appears to be an Android version! And that was no longer part of what they had to work with! It seemed that a good portion of those working as a team have aged as well!

All these stories show that even when Iron Man tried to use his awesome skills, he came up short in his attempt to win over an enemy!

The story itself really was a moment of tragedy. The King in Black truly outmatched everything this hero, was equipped with. While the Hulkbuster-style armor may look like a winning suit, and looks to have been the best that "Iron Man" had! Even if they put all their powers together they still weren't enough to make this enemy fall to his defeat! Fans should keep reading! Even if the heroes had these losses, that might not be the final scene. It could mean the story gets even more awesome! Maybe a different plan! "Venom War: Spider-Man #3" has already started getting everyone to discuss just what might come up next!

Fans are getting into these awesome battles! Who knows how things may develop from these issues in the latest arc! It's always amazing to see how superhero series continue and the possibilities for those who have read it, are going to be looking forward to these big releases that have already started to make history! It's not all just the superhero genre though.

Keep reading and see the awesome Marvel Universe with some amazing characters that might be up for an incredible showdown!

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