Movies News Talk

Green Arrow vs. Peacemaker: Brony Joke Fuels Epic DC Comics Revenge

Green Arrow vs. Peacemaker: Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold (and Maybe a Little Brony-Themed!)

Peacemaker's Zinger: Why Stephen Amell Wasn't Amused

Peacemaker's run on HBO Max gave us tons of laughs; that crazy John Cena-led series has its moments.  Yet some jokes missed their mark. That brony joke about Green Arrow?  It caused major issues, especially among the Green Arrow fanbase; and among one extremely prominent person in particular:  Stephen AmellGreen Arrow himself (in the Arrowverse!). That joke, "that dude goes to Brony conventions dressed as the back half of Twilight Sparkle," totally rubbed Amell the wrong way, something that prompted this whole thing into motion. And this joke made its way to become far more controversial and important than it likely originally sounded!

Amell called out James Gunn in an interview with Chris Van Vliet, stating he "didn't ing appreciate that at all. ... our show was kind of treated like ." That really puts a whole different perspective to a seemingly minor incident, and it showcases that these kinds of incidents do matter; they don't just vanish in time.

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Green Arrow's Epic Revenge: A Preview of Green Arrow #17

Peacemaker Green Arrow Diss fits dc comics canon Image

The tables have turned, folks! Get ready, because Green Arrow is about to get some sweet, sweet revenge. The recent previews for Green Arrow #17 (by Joshua Williamson and Chris Condon) show that classic superhero takedown which only a Green Arrow style-based fight could bring forth.  With Amanda Waller’s defeat and her henchmen all fleeing for survival– this creates a huge opening; allowing the perfect opportunity to take on the ever-troubled Peacemaker and his partner-in-crime, Peacewrecker.

This really does highlight a key story aspect within the storyline that involves the capture of these fleeing, troublesome figures: it serves as this satisfying resolution; this finality that makes the storyline become meaningful and even deeply poignant; the ability to have Green Arrow personally involved is important. That specific moment delivers some serious satisfaction after months of having seen those heroes abused by Amanda Waller. It's definitely satisfying to witness Green Arrow personally take on Peacemaker!

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A Deeper Look at Peacemaker's Joke and Its Disrespectful Undertones

Peacemaker and Green Arrow DC Comics Image

Peacemaker, playing an immature, insecure guy, consistently belittles those iconic DC superheroes including Superman and Batman; which makes those kinds of insults more deeply pointed toward specific narratives;  but the Green Arrow joke really caused the largest and deepest reactions; even prompting Amell to make this extremely controversial declaration which brings that event far more into the public eye than anyone might have originally anticipated.

This also highlighted just how much of an issue it remains to consistently belittle one specific version; specifically those shown on the CW, often characterized as low-budget productions; and therefore this was not necessarily taken well by most who worked on that side.   It showed a lack of respect.

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Conclusion: Sweet Justice for Green Arrow Fans

Green Arrow and Team Arrow Reacting to Oliver's Betrayal DC Image

DC comics frequently make fun of their own universe – and sometimes even individual shows. However, this really delivers major satisfaction after that extremely provocative brony comment.  It demonstrates that Green Arrow was completely underplayed previously but has now been elevated and given far more time.  It creates intense anticipation which completely overshadows all previously problematic behavior by Peacemaker.

Whether you are someone already expecting Green Arrow's reaction against Peacemaker; or merely just some random fan of this extremely well-known storyline; This whole scenario might leave viewers with even higher hopes regarding future events and interactions between these incredibly significant characters. This small plot element highlights the far deeper complexities underlying this very established and influential franchise which might not usually be apparent when dealing only with those simple plot elements of capturing Peacemaker in such a manner.

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