Movies News Talk

G.I. Joe Energon Universe Reboot: Josh Williamson's Vision

G.I. Joe's Energon Universe Reboot: Josh Williamson's Master Plan Revealed!

Rebooting an 80s Icon: Josh Williamson's G.I. Joe Vision

Get ready for a serious G.I. Joe reboot, folks! Skybound Entertainment's new G.I. Joe series kicks off next month; a massive part of that larger Energon Universe; created by writer Josh Williamson.  We got the scoop on his plan by talking to him— His passion is contagious, you can really tell just how huge a G.I. Joe fan he is!  His work already started earlier this year (with the Duke and Cobra Commander miniseries). This upcoming G.I. Joe #1 is his first ongoing series— his vision completely expands and sets the future for this reboot, focusing on brand new character choices while also incorporating fan-favorite characters! That is huge news for those expecting something fresh.

We chatted with Williamson to learn about how his storyline will take place; what choices were made, especially regarding characters chosen from many; the creation of Risk (a brand-new character). It also includes plans and discussions regarding artistic and collaborative efforts; his approach to that essential and very difficult task of crafting a fantastic #1 issue which establishes what’s to come. He’s incredibly excited!  And you'll be, too!

Also Read: G.I. Joe: Destro vs. Cobra Commander in the Energon Universe!

Building the New G.I. Joe Team: A Blend of Classic and New

Comic book cover: the assembled Joes and Cobra in the Energon Universe. Image

Picking a team from hundreds of characters? That's nuts! We asked Williamson. His approach was simple yet surprisingly sophisticated:  he’s focusing on telling a complete, standalone storyline which should allow the most iconic and fan-favorite characters; those individuals most frequently remembered by a long-time fan to return. This intelligent choice would increase audience interest while also introducing the new character; highlighting how deeply these selections matter.  He looked at those original G.I. Joe toy lines— who were always there from the start? Then there’s also Duke—huge in the cartoons— who's become synonymous with the entire franchise, meaning a lot of people might recognize the name!

Williamson also thought about those necessary dynamics–Stalker and Rock ’N Roll were already established together and thus made that kind of dynamic duo entirely obvious!   Then there’s Baroness. His clever choice in this particular character; making her a G.I. Joe member rather than Cobra is interesting; this creative choice made this character quite intriguing: the plot is able to maintain a suspenseful tension that explores possible future switches.

Then there's Mercer (a former Viper now with G.I. Joe); he’s intended to highlight the importance of changing sides; creating intense interpersonal drama and this shows a much larger-scale change in character morality.

Those creative choices were incredibly thought out.  The inclusion of those various characters emphasizes many points: showing those interactions among distinctly different personalities, with people having complex relationships! Stalker and Baroness – they obviously don’t get along. Clutch is constantly flirting with Cover Girl.   This really came together well.

Also Read: Transformers '86 Movie Hero Find New Purpose in the Energon Universe.

Risk: G.I. Joe’s New Recruit: The “John Wick” of the Team!

Comic book cover: RIsk and Baroness stand side-by-side on the battlefield. Image

Risk?   This new character is former CIA— an adrenaline junkie who went from seeking excitement in underground fights to high-stakes undercover missions; demonstrating a serious, methodical personality capable of deep deception; essential for the kind of mission work necessary. His experience and skillset fit into this mission; making this brand new character a total must.   He even created that contrast to Duke’s crew–Hawk picked him directly which emphasizes that point even more effectively.

The creative team worked this choice; they added these details on his overall look: making him this highly notable individual easily recognizable as an antagonist figure;  He's the total "John Wick" of the team; an assassin within that already established group! That unique appearance within the group is something very unique!

Also Read: G.I. Joe Comic: Energon Universe Officially Launches In November

Crafting G.I. Joe #1: A New Issue with Long-Time Appeal

Comic book cover: a design sheet for new GI Joe character, Risk. Image

Writing the first issue of an ongoing G.I. Joe series? A tremendous task! Williamson discussed his approach: balancing introducing new fans with pleasing long-term fans. His answer highlights his own thought process for crafting these new series. He talked about accessibility (making it clear even for new audiences); building the mission and intention for what’s to follow, inviting those fans to buy the next one. This brilliant plan perfectly emphasizes several factors required for creating great series.

He studied those iconic #1’s, noting some aspects that might appear subtle:   like Brian K. Vaughan's Y: The Last Man #1; noting this emotional cliffhanger that perfectly establishes that essential intrigue without having some kind of intense battle which makes all other important factors much less important. That very technique used in Y was also replicated and the similar idea is found throughout Williamson's plans for G.I. Joe.

Also Read: G.I. Joe Joins Transformers Universe: New Designs & Crossover Potential

The Energon Universe Collaboration: A Masterful Symphony of Creativity

G.I. Joe #1, the forces of Cobra stands on a crashed vehicle. Image

We learned more regarding the Energon Universe's behind-the-scenes: How the crossovers are planned. The approach used is remarkably improvisational and allows plenty of space for changes!  Williamson works directly with Robert Kirkman— they talk a lot and share ideas; Williamson however tends toward the much faster style which is then balanced out by Kirkman (a more thoughtful approach). This shows how well the various collaborations come into effect; producing such amazing and creative choices that have created the Energon Universe. And their close interaction is clearly highlighted, noting events such as Pythona's move into space.

They are constantly working. This is highlighted throughout; their collaborative interactions have that improvisation-like method used frequently; yet they are both always looking to make new content work for their particular fans. Williamson's emphasis on high-quality images creates those dynamic moments and uses the artistic collaborative relationship in the artistic production stages itself.

Looking Ahead: What's Coming Next?

The Transformer Optimus Prime appears in front of a blurred Golobulus. Image

We couldn't get all the information, sadly. Williamson teased this seriously exciting third storyline arc (towards the end of year one); featuring amazing crossovers; totally unexpected elements. He intends to use various different strategies to tell interesting G.I. Joe stories, some smaller; those very intensive interactions focusing less on the grand conflicts but highlighting those incredible personalities.

Conclusion: G.I. Joe is Back, and Better Than Ever!

G.I. Joe #1 cover, the Joe team traverses a battle-torn landscape Image

Josh Williamson's G.I. Joe reboot is a masterclass in thoughtful planning and creative storytelling! His plan brilliantly blends what long-time G.I. Joe fans would love and the needs of attracting a totally new fanbase; this makes those initial considerations completely essential and really shows why Williamson’s thought processes matter. The entire approach shows a deep understanding of the source material with plenty of innovative ideas which showcase a bright future ahead for this seriously revitalized classic. If you are someone who has only a fleeting understanding, G.I. Joe, give it a look! It promises an amazingly immersive experience. A seriously good reboot which you should definitely keep track of!

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