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DC Comics Power Ranking: The 15 Most Powerful Characters Ranked

It's time to dive into the heart of DC Comics! This massive publisher isn't known for just Batman and Superman! Their heroes come in a wild, diverse collection that showcases truly crazy and impressive powers! We're going to find who has the most powerful and impressive skills, abilities and sheer strength, going through the DC Universe!

id="the-dc-universe">The DC Universe

From the heart of DC Comics' most well-known characters we are looking for a whole new breed of powerful heroes!

This universe has its incredible history with those powerful heroes, but if you are talking about pure power then, DC Comics, with its impressive collection of cosmic and magic powered figures really sets itself apart. There have been times where the universe was changed! A war between heroes, powerful gods and monsters have changed things.

We are going to find those amazing heroes that have continually left their mark. They also show up to combat these super powered baddies in the latest runs!

Also Read: Superman Against Flash Race Gets Next-Gen Update in New Art - Wally West vs. Jon Kent!.

The 15 Most Powerful DC Characters (Ranked):

Let's jump into these amazing heroes, Ranked from the least powerful to the most powerful!

15. The Phantom Stranger

A mystery with immense powers. He shows up to help others and gives an ability to banish, or to get rid of some pretty powerful evils! This includes those creepy evil spirits, powerful witches, evil curses and plenty more!

But he's known for some pretty big moments in comic book history! If you love those Crisis events, he had to show up to stand against those darker forces in "Titans" #9!

The Phantom Stranger isn't only capable of super impressive powers, including the ability to move across different dimensions and fight enemies! This amazing figure also seems to know a lot. How did he do this? It's almost impossible to get around! The "Phantom Stranger" has a long history that goes back over centuries. Some readers believe he is "Judas Iscariot" who is now cursed!

14. Swamp Thing:

Batman in Worlds Finest and Keaton 89 Comic Art Image

Here's another power that's as intense as its design. If you think the Green Lantern Corps has the upper hand over other heroes! Not quite.

The Green is also a power in the universe. "Swamp Thing" was able to use nature to create a powerful and unique ability! You won't see this power in all of DC Comics' publications but "Swamp Thing" shows the strength of plants! The protector of all the greenery and using the dead in the universe!

That is something that doesn't give up easily and he is capable of recreating himself! "Swamp Thing" shows how these plant based abilities are in constant evolution!

That was the key when "Swamp Thing" stood to defeat the dark, malevolent, forces from a super recent crisis that is super intense for the universe.

13. Amazo (And Amanda Waller):

Amazo Justice League Team DC Image

It doesn't end with a robot! It looks like a very special android will challenge any super-powered character with their super unique set of abilities! Amazo was a machine. In the DC Universe, and was able to defeat almost every hero that crossed his path! If this wasn't enough, it also helped to cement Amanda Waller's position!

Waller's been super resourceful. "Amanda Waller" who is a big part of "Task Force X" (or "Suicide Squad" as many might know them) used an entire army! This meant Waller got to take on super powerhouses! The likes of Superman and "Wonder Woman!" You might think those heroes could beat almost any enemy and yet. Amazo proved just as cunning, though the android does not quite match their brain power!

12. Dreamer:

Batman Superman and Wonder Woman in DC Death Metal Comic Art Image

"Dreamer" has gotten some attention with her jump to DC Comics. From those on "Supergirl" to DC Comics' big roster of heroes. Her character was originally in a live-action show but her abilities made it pretty impressive! She is part Naltorian and Human.

Fans get to see a mix of superpowers!

  • She can enter other realms, and even see visions of the future!
  • But wait. That is not all!

You also have her ability to create some energy that can help to shape these super incredible energy constructs. And now, something new that makes "Dreamer" one of the toughest figures in the DC Universe! This character's powers allow them to return!

What is the big secret?

The real way that "Dreamer" is able to overcome challenges. "Jon Kent," from the world of "Superman" dreams of her and she comes back to the real world after an awesome moment when her body is destroyed.

11. Superman

He is the man of steel. He's the man who flies! Superman shows just how powerful a character from the golden age can be.

You know Superman, for his endless strength. But even he can get taken down in some special moments. "Superman's" abilities really shine! "Superman" is considered to be an incredible, awesome character with this ultimate combination of awesome super-powered traits:

  • Incredible Strength
  • His speed rivaling those of "The Flash!"
  • The energy to go on forever. This is his super stamina!
  • He is super smart with his thinking ability!

The big lesson with Superman? He has his limits, which has always been true and some might consider his big flaws! His limits have also created these big, memorable challenges in the past!

In the DC Universe, Superman keeps on coming strong! He doesn't show weakness. A very special, notable event helped to make him even more powerful as his journey went on and evolved.

One of those weaknesses to look out for? Magic!

10. The Flash (Wally West)

You might remember a name! That was Barry Allen

He had the awesome power of The Flash, and yet, it seems Wally West inherited that ability, making him "The Fastest Man Alive." And in recent runs. He has even more impressive skills. The strength comes from how deep his "Speed Force" powers are.

It has led to "The Flash" having some crazy moments that truly show he out paces every single speedster. But here's what makes it even more unique.

He was able to move between realities and get out of harm's way before anything bad even happened to him. In his story, Wally West defeats these powerful enemies who have powers beyond all limits in the multiverse.

9. Metron

In this big universe, the New Gods are some of those extra-terrestrial beings.

These figures aren't only able to exist as other god-like creatures. In "Metron's" case. He shows what true intelligence means and can design some impressive technological marvels. That includes the iconic "Mother Boxes," as he uses his intellect and creates incredible moments.

  • "Metron" also created "The Mobius Chair.", allowing him to tap into even more power and is seen by many fans, and his place in the universe as the true "god of knowledge!"
  • You've also got this character's big ability to prevent a whole range of crises! Even the heroes could not survive if they didn't have his help.

It's even more interesting when Batman uses Metron's ability and becomes that same god of knowledge, showing a side to Batman's amazing detective skills.

8. Captain Atom

You might be wondering why "Captain Atom" made this list? He is truly one of the powerhouses, and if you thought "Superman" was tough to beat this is his biggest competition. "Captain Atom" has had a lot of powerful moments!

What gives him such a special skillset. It is his connection with the "Quantum Field," that made him super powerful after a risky experiment.

You have this character's power! He could unleash a great deal of energy and alter any opponent!

  • "Captain Atom" could make something super small and change it into something truly grand and vast.
  • Superman, his super skills didn't stop the effects of his massive blasts.

7. The Spectre:

One of the most righteous forces. If anyone is on a mission of justice in the DC Universe, It is "The Spectre" who acts as the pRotector, the voice, and even the ultimate hand of God. He was a very powerful force! This creature could even alter and shift realities, and had control over the concept of time as we know it.

As his abilities changed over time he was able to control anyone! You will be surprised to find out just how powerful "Spectre's" magic abilities are! His actions really outdo what others such as "Zatanna" and "Constantine." Even more. It is a clear reminder that they might not be in this realm.

6. Mr. Mxyzptlk

"Superman" is no stranger to a few hilarious moments but one that might make people pull their hair out! This crazy imp, is none other than "Mr. Mxyzptlk."!

  • "Mr. Mxyzptlk" comes from another dimension
  • A crazy character, not all that menacing, but this imp can move through reality and time.
  • His crazy ability to create chaos and frustration for Superman is his specialty.

"Mr. Mxyzptlk" also challenged "Batman", taking on another icon from Dc Comics! What makes this special is that he could change a lot, going between various universes, in order to change entire dimensions as he did. In that scenario.

5. Darkseid & Highfather:

DC Comics created a duo that are incredibly compelling, that is a major pairing that is a dynamic you can't help but enjoy! If you look to the "New Gods," these guys are powerful in every sense of the word. This awesome pair gives audiences a chance to see just how unique a dynamic can be. They show a super-intense representation of evil! As for the "good guys?"

They give those in the "DC Universe a very biblical feel!

  • Darkseid has this incredibly destructive power to wipe out almost anyone!
  • "Darkseid" who rules over "Apokolips." And is also responsible for conquering other planets.
  • You see that evil! However, "Highfather". He has shown to stand strong! They show the potential that exists for good, especially for "New Genesis." It looks like a struggle to control what might exist in a dangerous universe.

You have two powerful figures who come together and challenge the rest of the "DC Universe!" And this makes the stories from this part of the universe all the more unique and inspiring!

4. Eclipso

"Eclipso." If you are thinking about a scary villain with immense power and you think of "Darkseid." Well, "Eclipso", could take him on!

  • He represents God's wrath.
  • His incredible abilities are fueled by the darkness.
  • He is even more powerful than all the rest, and has been a source of terror, using that dark side, which allows him to possess the souls of people, turning them to fight in his army, or even to become his own twisted representation of his own dark evil.

"Eclipso" really can make the DC Universe dark.

3. Trigon

Here's a character you can't go wrong with. The true evil, who is known as an incredibly dangerous villain is the ultimate power. His abilities rival those of "Satan" in DC Comics' stories!

Trigon. You won't find this villain on those big adventures. He often hides away, until he can bring to bear a terrible threat to this entire universe.

  • His greatest threat comes when he decides to come to the main universe
  • This makes him one of the scariest forces!

This monster's abilities include immense powers including an amazing combination of superhuman stamina, a whole lot of power! The strength to go on for a long time!

If that wasn't scary enough! The bad part? "Trigon" can also bring a truly terrifying power! A long life! So even after the most dramatic defeat.

You can see this powerful father/daughter, connection! He's been known to possess his daughter "Raven,"! making a wild transformation, making "Raven" as powerful as "Darkseid."

2. Raven

What do you get when you combine "Trigon" with "Raven," her daughter who inherits his most destructive skills? You are bound to get something awesome and special!

  • She has this remarkable power over the world of magic and her ability to shift a great deal! Even to control fire!
  • If there is someone to truly combat "Trigon," you know who that is! She took the power for herself as the ultimate powerful force.
  • It also brought some intense moments as "Raven" becomes a terrifying figure who joins the "Teen Titans.

1. The Presence

And here comes the biggest threat, but one that might just save us all as well! The "DC Universe." If there is anyone to be considered the source of power, its "The Presence." And just like those big names of "DC Universe" there's always that special force of "The Presence."

You might be surprised that this awesome force might come across in many ways! In one form he might seem as a man in a suit. But that's not it!

  • It's not just any man in a suit. In the comic world it could appear as a massive, big, powerful hand!
  • Even a bright and super radiant light. That can leave audiences astounded.
  • And at times. It shows a very recognizable voice from those big-screen moments as well.

It looks like "The Presence" really creates this whole universe! A power beyond what most characters even dare to think about.

And, it's a true testament to the stories from the "DC Universe." And while there may be countless threats, "The Presence." continues to step in, offering support! We have this powerful spirit that has shown its strength and gives us this powerful entity, an incredible force that is just as great and wonderful as a "God!"

In conclusion, "The Presence", as the origin story for those big heroes! The comic book fans will certainly love those powerful forces!

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