
Cybertron Crashes into Earth's Orbit: Transformers' Apocalyptic Moment!

Cybertron's Arrival: Transformers' Apocalyptic Moment

Things are real, real apocalyptic in the most recent Transformers issue. Shockwave, the Decepticon leader of Cybertron, is bringing his homeworld to Earth, so marking a significant turning point in the new Energon Universe continuity! Cybertron is actually passing Earth's orbit, thus the picture of it hovering over the planet is quite amazing—not only a sight in the heavens.

Master Plan of Shockwave: Resource Grab

This is a classic "coldly logical" Decepticon play, pure Shockwave. Earth is a giant, juicy Energon feast; Cybertron's resources are run-down. Ever since they landed on Earth, the Transformers have been battling over these resources; now Shockwave has decided to approach things most directly. This is the archetypal example of a technologically advanced power grabbing what it wants from a less developed one.

An Colonial Nightmare

Cybertron's arrival transcends a terrifying picture of a celestial being. It depicts a shockingly familiar situation: a strong force consuming a planet rich in resources and profite from it. Shockwave highlights his disrespect for Earth's occupants by showing him delivering humpback whales to the Decepticon's "feeder". Earth is being treated by him as a massive processing plant just waiting for mining and stripping.

Right Now?

We now have some rather important questions since Cybertron has joined Earth in orbits. Made to handle the Transformer threat, Will G.I. Joe makes a cameo in Transformers. Intervene, the Void Rivals with their ties to Transformers mythology? For the Energon Universe, this is a game-changer and things are going to get rather more fascinating.

Keep Alert.

You will have to grab a copy of Transformers #10 if you wish to know what transpires next. For every fan of the franchise, this is absolutely must reading. The Energon Universe will provide a whole fresh degree of thrills!

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