Ms. Marvel at last addresses her superpower controversy.

Fans in 2022 were first thrilled to learn Ms. Marvel will be entering the MCU with her own series on Disney+, but they were dismayed her superpowers would be altered from her comic-book version to be more film-friendly. The MCU version of Kamala Khan calls hard-light constructions from the "Noor dimension," instead of possessing stretching and shapeshifting powers from Inhuman genes. These ideas substitute what comic-Kamala would typically do with her own body—that is, elongate her limbs or enlarge her fists.

Kamala's untimely death and equally unexpected resurrection as a mutant in the comics did not assist with this transition. Many readers thought that this was a means of altering Kamala's powers in the comics to more closely fit her MCU self ahead of her appearance in The Marvels (2023) a suspicion which has subsequently been verified. Though Kamala resurrected as a mutant in X-Men: Hellfire Gala (2023), the comics have not revealed her mutation until now, let alone have her exhibit any other powers aside from her ordinary stretching.

MCU Powers of Ms. Marvel Make their Comic Debut

Fans have pondered about what Kamala Khan's greatly altered powers on screen would entail for her original comic book form ever since the Ms. Marvel series debuted. Mutant Menace #4 addresses these issues with unexpected grace, noting the several Kamala Khan incarnations without discounting any one variant of the character.

The Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #4 by Iman Vellani, Sabir Pirzada, Scott Godlewski, and Erick Arciniega mostly revolves around the issues of identity and what Ms. Marvel's mutant powers mean to her personally. Ex-Orchis agent Nikita Gaiha ambushes Kamala before she can sort them out herself by attacking her mosque with Ms. Marvel's reanimated pre-rebirth corpse.

Ms. Marvel can eat her superpower cake and have it as well.

Mutant Menace #4 deftly negotiates the boundary separating the comics from the television. While it validates Ms. Marvel's mutant powers—hard-light powers from the MCU—the book emphasizes Kamala's rejection of outside labels or expectations; she will embrace her mutation when she is ready and no sooner. Likewise, the struggle with her zombie self underlines that Kamala's powers are not mutually exclusive, so she is not giving up her original powers for her MCU powers. This gentle approach of the topic recognizes both incarnations of the character without denigrating either one.

Fans have long been suspicious and confused about the differences between Ms. Marvel in the comics and the MCU; yet, Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #4 mostly puts all of this rest. Acknowledging Kamala's powers from the MCU as later potential instead of dogma lets the character remain accessible to her MCU self while also allowing her to keep literally and symbolically developing as she has in the comics. Though Ms. Marvel manages the comic premiere of her MCU powers as elegantly as possible, the path to this point has been difficult. The result is well worth it.

From the MCU, the mutant power of the undead Kamala turns out to be her hard-light manipulation ability.

The mutant power of the zombie Kamala reveals to be her MCU hard-light manipulation capacity. She can even use her mutation in concert with her comic book shapeshifting ability.

For now at least, Ms. Marvel fans should know Marvel won't retcon who Kamala Khan is in favor of hewing closer to her MCU counterpart. Now available from Marvel Comics is Mutant Menace #4.

Ms. Marvel: An Ancestral View

Action-superhero TV series Ms. Marvel is situated in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The sitcom centers 16-year-old New Jersey high school student Iman Vellani, a passionate superhero lover who struggles to fit in at school. When Iman receives a strange bangle from her grandfather, she finds it helps her to use cosmic energy and create anything she can picture. Currently an unintentional superhero, Iman will aim to rise to the challenge and establish herself as Ms. Marvel.

This looks to be a much awaited show. Ms. Marvel is a beloved figure as well as a hero with rich past. Fans of both the MCU and comics will find Ms. Marvel's debut in the MCU to be an interesting occasion; the series is probably going to attract viewers from both sides of the fandom.