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Batman #149: Catwoman & Batman's Emotional Reunion - Gotham War Aftermath

Batman and Catwoman: A Reconciliation After "Gotham War's" Devastation!

Batman #149: The Long-Awaited Reunion of Batman and Catwoman!

The DC Universe has seen some crazy times lately.  Batman (the ever-troubled Bruce Wayne) has had it rough, folks! The multiverse shenanigans and that seriously deranged alternate personality (Zur-En-Arrh) totally wrecked his relationship with some close friends.  Especially that one with his beloved Catwoman (Selina Kyle)! But this huge falling-out almost destroyed their friendship during that nasty "Gotham War" arc, which also saw the near-destruction of his entire Bat-Family. Yet in Batman #149 (written by Chip Zdarsky, art by Steve Lieber, colors by Michele Bandini, letters by Clayton Cowles, and edited by Nick Filardi), things finally turn around! A huge amount of necessary changes occur. Let’s see just why this issue became so critical.

The big drama concerns Bruce fixing his problems— and he finally manages to reunite with Selina. It involved so many dramatic moments: His efforts to save that dying clone (Zur-En-Arrh's Robin) created a new path forward, and that led to his purchase of Pennyworth Manor as a new base for his team. The rebuilding and that moment when Catwoman finally shows up—all this contributes towards making Batman #149 a genuinely epic chapter which highlights the long path for rebuilding after great conflict. Get ready to jump into the very heart of Gotham because everything changed.  

Also Read: Mayor Admits Bat-Family's Necessity, Even Zur-En-Arrh Can't Deny It. Gotham

Gotham War's Fallout: The Wedge Between Batman and Catwoman

Catwoman claws Batman's back in DC comics Image

Batman and Catwoman have had a ton of drama— that is perfectly obvious for this long-running relationship— yet this wasn't just some little issue.  After that multiversal stuff, Bruce had a week-long nap; waking to an insanely different Gotham. Crime had fallen off massively thanks to Selina's brilliant idea! Her scheme completely revamped Gotham’s underworld! But Bruce (still influenced by that meddling Zur-En-Arrh) felt extremely betrayed; leading to a huge showdown; forcing both him and Catwoman to split from the team and also driving that serious wedge between them during that insane showdown. And these kinds of plot elements completely affected Gotham itself. The entire city is shown to have been affected by these larger decisions; and Selina’s influence; these plot details which make this confrontation far bigger than many other typical superhero confrontations! It gets way more extreme.  Even after Vandal Savage’s stupid plot that forces everyone to join forces once more. That temporary alliance still had an ugly conclusion which caused the falling out with Selina which would set up Batman #149’s reconciliation.

Also Read: Absolute Batman: The Gnarliest Dark Knight in DC Comics

The Road to Reconciliation: Bruce's New Beginning

Batman and Catwoman fight Bizarro in the jungle on the Batman #151 Cover by Salvador Larroca Image

That crucial moment at the start; Bruce brings back his clone and that moment was important; it really became this surprising springboard. He needs money. And Zur-En-Arrh had been hoarding a massive pile! That windfall allowed him to make huge changes in Gotham; he purchased dilapidated areas for creating affordable housing, parks. This effort leads towards developing a much stronger approach than many prior attempts in previous plots!

But his greatest decision concerns the development of that completely revamped Pennyworth Manor.   A brand-new Bat-Family base, offering a home for his allies, This was extremely clever:  This is the kind of rebuilding the Bat-Family needed; showcasing how essential relationships between many members is to creating and enforcing order in the criminal underworld and amongst other groups attempting to gain control; he wanted those previously lost ties repaired to produce a much more tightly-knit group.

His final moment with his clone was near that new base when Selina finally arrives.   Their chat: This moment between old friends was both necessary and critical for bringing closure and repairing that fractured bond! His apology was totally accepted, setting the stage for something new— he offered to provide Selina with a fresh start at the Manor! The possibility remains; leaving plenty of room for both of their characters to eventually reunite, which we will probably see!

Also Read: Batman and Robin: Damian Wayne's Rise to Heroism in DC Comics

The Future Awaits: Batman, Catwoman, and Amanda Waller

Batman #152 Batman and Catwoman and whip-1 Image

It remains extremely important for fans to realize that this marks a new step, after much reconciliation and necessary repairs: Their eventual teamwork has profound implications, as later Batman issues (we see hints at this through advertising material already published prior) display Catwoman assisting in facing the oncoming onslaught generated from the extremely aggressive, politically-charged attack orchestrated by Amanda Waller (of the incredibly notorious Absolute Power). It seems extremely likely that this teamwork would be unavoidable because the scale of attack displayed involves all kinds of metahuman; both well-known and lesser known ones. This completely increases the urgency of such an eventual team up; creating that much anticipated collaboration with old allies and that increased risk in dealing with so many serious dangers! It has a ton of intensity!

Also Read: Batman Villains: The Rogues' Gallery of Gotham City

Conclusion: Batman and Catwoman: Always Together, Always in Trouble!

Batman 149 Main Cover: Batman facing an older looking Bruce Wayne in front of the Bat-Signal. Image

Batman and Catwoman might constantly fight and constantly face betrayal.  They’ve seen each other at their best and at their worst! The good thing is that this reconciliation opens new possibilities:  It doesn’t imply a romantic relationship; a powerful and deeply moving new step and the long awaited start for restoring something positive out of what was previously broken—rebuilding their friendship and getting Selina fully integrated into that important and pivotal team once more; adding strength to Batman's existing, and constantly challenged Bat-Family.  They might never stop bickering and constantly face dangerous encounters together; this dynamic perfectly works— adding layers of intense interpersonal drama while providing reasons and creative narrative purposes that ultimately would deliver even better, far more enjoyable story arcs which might only come from those unlikely friendships and powerful bonds.

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