Alright, Marvel maniacs, let's dive into the million-dollar question: who will appear in Avengers: Secret Wars? This isn't just your average superhero flick; this is the culmination of phases – the potential for a multiversal mash-up of epic proportions. And let’s be real, trying to predict what the heck Marvel is going to cook-up next after those end credits is like predicting next week’s lottery numbers. Fun, but mostly futile. Still, that doesn’t stop us from trying! And what really adds more fun – well apart from all of these guesses; is about guessing what “ what will secret wars be about !” So lets also do that, as well as we try and guess who else shows up in this insane, ultimate team-up adventure of the Marvel -verse and the beyond.
Unlike the articles just saying what everyone already knows, instead of guessing who is coming into it by what the movie's source materials would dictate us – instead – think this over from what it would do and about and how audiences might react or even expect something based on it – think about something different, entirely – such as, this particular kind of story allows Marvel a near complete “reset” button that it would potentially even fix issues about the current character storyline s people are getting a bit exhausted with while potentially leaving them open for other movies that explore different timelines. I don’t know how Marvel has thought this whole “secret wars” through or even “what will secret wars be about!” But knowing them, it will likely be far more impressive and surprising than I can possibly imagine it!
What does it mean for character inclusions or what Marvel can or could potentially include as part of the storyline? Well frankly anything can and could fit in there! Now this level of surprise does sound appealing!
Of course, we can expect the core Avengers gang and let's be honest the whole idea and questions about “who will appear in Avengers: Secret Wars” start precisely at those we always think of, so why change it?
But thinking further: why even just stop at movie introductions – what about even TV introductions? Would any viewers reject seeing a certain TV or limited character introduced by way of multiverse, that hasn’t been seen since its particular episode? I for sure wouldn't mind it if the introduction was natural. So many series also need that kind of continuation to feel complete.
The core concept, my friend, from Secret Wars (or its sequels) all involved colliding realities; a merging or converging of different or completely distinct, unrelated worlds. That means the MCU would likely get very inventive! Some even suggested this potential title to mark a potential MCU series ending, rather than what other Marvel or DC titles do (i.e. leave multiple titles open so there’s always new storyline possibilities open)! That doesn't necessarily mean something has to conclude. Only means new storyline possibilities are left fully open as needed by simply inventing whatever necessary, such as for example merging of separate entities and timelines to explain an all-encompassing ending. Now let's also remember “what will secret wars be about!” Could there even be greater opportunities for potential storylines?! Could something different be better even? So long it remains coherent.
Imagine stories focusing on completely unique ideas, some inspired by other marvel storylines like that epic Marvel Zombies. Would something so uniquely separate end up attracting new viewers from separate fan bases that were completely ignored from original story formats and styles?
Let's be real, no matter who will appear in Avengers Secret Wars the most vital point remains clear! No matter the amount of theories we see from now, nothing really beats actual facts about what appears. As an added challenge we still haven’t answered to our other main discussion: what is likely about “what will secret wars be about!” The biggest takeaway has been: we might now officially receive the kind of storyline everyone anticipated even from “end game.” Regardless how much time goes before its released - we know more details can always pop-up along the way.
No matter who will appear in Avengers Secret Wars one aspect reigns true – the quality of Marvel Studios titles! Even some earlier series such as “the Eternals” received a gigantic increase in appreciation and new audience discoveries – this after its reception to some rather unimpressed movie goers upon its first release.
The real win would end up not being “who will appear in Avengers Secret Wars”, it would be keeping and growing this particular fandom to even bigger levels. Having said so; there’s one key detail to not ever ignore from a title with such potential – character introduction needs to be as natural and organic as possible within the original storyline and theme in relation to where they were first seen!