"8 Deaths of Spider-Man" is the forthcoming event scheduled in the Marvel Universe. Under this circumstance, Doctor Doom—who is currently the Sorcerer Supreme—offers Spider-Man eight extra lives to combat an evil deity and a fresh magical costume. Doom is assigning Spider-Man the work since he is too busy to manage the threat personally.
Doctor Strange used to often fight the god Spider-Man will be battling. Doom is leaving this work to Spider-Man though since he has more pressing concerns right now. Doctor Strange is infected with vampirism and Doom is busy saving the globe under the "One World Under Doom" Marvel status quo, so this is most likely related to it.
Spider-Man might have agreed to collaborate with Doctor Doom for a few really specific reasons. One theory could be that Spider-Man is assisting Doom to save his vampire companion Miles Morales. Another theory holds that Spider-Man's sense of responsibility drives him. Should Doom persuade him that he alone can stop the god, Spider-Man would probably feel obliged to assist.
Why Doom would chose Spider-Man for this chore is a little of a mystery. Doom might be seeing something unique in Spider-Man—his moral compass, persistence, or connection to the Web of Life. Alternatively Doom might simply want to see Spider-Man struggle and almost die in order to achieve something another hero would find simple. In any case, it's a special circumstance guaranteed to be interesting!
The report notes that the new suit is magical rather than delving into the specifics. This could imply it has heightened talents or ability not typically possessed by Spider-Man. Seeing how this new suit affects Spider-Man's fighting style and powers will be interesting.
Amazing Spider-Man #61 on November 11th will open "8 Deaths of Spider-Man". This is a major event, hence make sure to look out for it!
Though it's not the first time Spider-Man and Doctor Doom have engaged, this is an odd alliance. Usually on opposing sides of the law, Doom is a villain and Spider-Man is a hero. This time, though, they are collaborating, which is likely to produce some fascinating and unanticipated events.