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20 Fastest DC Speedsters Ranked: Flash Family Power Showdown!

Zoom! The 20 Fastest Speedsters in the Flash Family – Who's REALLY the Fastest?

The Flash Family: A Speedster Showdown for the Ages!

The Flash is known as the Fastest Man Alive. But the DC Universe is full of speedsters! The Flash Family is gigantic.  This massive group includes allies from across time; generating that immensely complicated family tree involving various heroes with surprisingly close relations.  But who among them is the absolute fastest? That’s what this article's about! We'll dive into speedster rankings.  We are considering the whole Flash Family to generate that complete and totally fair ranking.

It’s impossible to be totally precise—the mystical Speed Force makes accurate measuring impossible. However, a really rough ranking, which involves many additional elements beyond purely the potential to run extremely fast; which means that age, experience and various levels of power gained over the years, as well as origin of that specific connection to the Speed Force must be included to generate a more thoughtful and meaningful overall assessment that takes more into consideration; those factors are required and are essential to create this rank of speedsters!

Also Read: DCEU is ashamed after an incredible cosplay battle pitting Flash against Reverse-Flash.

The Fastest Speedsters – Ranking The Flash Family

20. Trajectory (Eliza Harmon): A Tragic Speedster’s Short Run

Trajectory was a powerhouse– a woman who gained power through Lex Luthor’s Everyman Project. Her powers were impressive – incredibly fast; yet those abilities are so unstable; requiring drugs just to control them! Even then this ability is limited: when her allies battled BlockbusterLex Luthor turned her powers off which made her become a tragically easy victim!

19. Jai West (Surge): A Speed Force Conduit's Unique Strength

Flash Barry Allen saves Justice League Image

Wally West’s son, Jai and his twin sister Irey shared a Speed Force connection— causing both significant pain.  Jai gave his up at the time, but after that unexpected journey to Gemworld, he received his “Surge” power boost, this additional ability enhanced natural speed! And though slow for a Flash, that “Surge” made all the difference.

18. Irey West (Thunderheart): A Young Speedster’s Potential

DC Comics Quick Silver Max Mercury Image

Irey kept her Speed Force connection and is incredibly adept despite having way less training and practical experience than some of the older Speedsters.  While potentially incredibly fast, Irey's impulsiveness hurts overall control! She is expected to become a major Speedster later.

17. Max Mercury: The Zen Guru of Speed and Wisdom

Don Allen of The Tornado Twins in DC Comics Art Image

The teacher of Speedsters. His Speed Force connection is actually mystical, not something genetically acquired or from lightning, but gained entirely through magic! Yet decades of honing skills led to his mastery! Max Mercury mentored both Wally West and Bart Allen, a really valuable support for those highly advanced Speedsters, although he does not get any credit for some of those more well-known feats and moments.

16. Don Allen (Tornado Twin): The Son of Two Legendary Flashes

Dawn Allen of The Tornado Twins in DC Comics Art Image

This comes from that time Barry and Iris Allen traveled millennia to the future to create children (weird choice!), Don Allen has Speed Force powers – heavily inspired by Wally West after another amazing and important encounter through a trip through time!. Although not quite as fast as his legendary dad, Don Allen is significantly impacted by being in this particular Flash family tree; impacting his place within the story's context.

15. Dawn Allen (Tornado Twin): Sacrifice and a Heroic Legacy

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Dawn, Don's sister, was the second "Tornado Twin" inheriting that all-important Speed Force connection! These twin's heroic work inspires and shows similar work from Wally West, and shows just how incredibly important their shared relation is, showcasing another connection from the far-reaching Allen family tree; their combined acts of selflessness completely save their planet; and thus becomes memorable within the Flash franchise and greatly adds to how legendary those actions become for both siblings!

14. Jonathan Chambers (Johnny Quick): A Formula for Speed

Johnny Quick with The Flash Family in DC Comics Art Image

Another totally important figure: Unlike the others, his Speed Force connection isn’t magic nor inherited genetics, but from an old formula; this shows just how complicated speedster origins can get; “3X2(9YZ)4A.”  It connects to other speedsters later (that’s some seriously unique design); showing that it isn’t simply from a singular point! It can come from several other surprising points within DC comics.

13. Daniel West (Reverse-Flash): Time Rewinding and Self-Redemption

Kid Flash And The New Aquaman in DC Comics Image

Before the most well-known speedster in his family— this Reverse-Flash gained Speed Force power after a major accident, turning him into part metal!  Daniel West can move extremely fast and has insane time travel abilities! Yet this is one example showcasing an incredibly talented Reverse-Flash that shows unexpected feats of self-sacrifice; resulting in the end becoming somewhat heroic through a significant final act which saved many lives, even though these actions result in his own self-sacrifice, showing how profound a single decision can actually become for both himself and the overall legacy he left behind.

12. Wallace West (Kid Flash): A Speedster’s Journey

Judy Garrick The Boom 1 Image

Wally West’s nephew, Wallace received speed powers in a surprising way; with those powers originally coming from his older self which then were reinforced from that incredibly important lightning strike, providing a double-impact upon the already-inherent natural genetic ability from being in this specific extended Flash family; his progress highlights what a Flash could be when combined with proper, studious training.

11. Avery Ho (Flash of China): A Dedicated Student of Speed

Godspeed raising his arms in DC comics Image

Avery Ho, another example of the Speed Force giving new heroes power during a Speed Force storm in Central City. This character displays unique training – thanks to Barry Allen's assistance and the Ministry of Self-Reliance training techniques.  She became way faster than Superman—showing a highly talented hero that is both driven and dedicated toward achieving greatness!

10. John Fox: A Historian Turned Time-Traveling Flash

This is actually another amazing version of Flash. He is initially a historian but received speedster powers in a rather dramatic way during an interaction with a villain (a time-traveling trip, really!). John Fox isn’t the fastest but has significant skill that he earned from having to save that specific area and worked together with Wally West.

9. Meena Dhawan (Fast Track): From Scientist to Speedster

Meena Dhawan gained Speed Force abilities after another very sudden, surprising Speed Force storm; but didn’t remain inactive. She then created training programs for the newly-minted speedsters! Then that "Negative Flash" thing – resulting in another amazing moment of redemption that resulted in saving others even when confronting huge dangers that pushed this talented Speedster to those limits; really demonstrating that this incredible capacity even when threatened with massive peril, emphasizing that immense capacity found in this skilled heroine!

8. Inertia (Thaddeus Thawne): Time Manipulation, But Lacking Foresight

From that constant feud between Allens and Thrawnes. He stole Bart Allen’s genetic material to become Impulse’s "Reverse Flash."  While his speed isn’t normal Speed Force power – that's what his capacity involves; twisting and changing his time perception to be faster— he's hampered by a total lack of clever tactics or other skill, thus severely hindering any chance to make proper use of that considerable speed.

7. Jay Garrick (The Original Flash): A Golden Age Speedster’s Wisdom

Jay Garrick is legendary – the first Speed Force connection in DC!   His mastery— after so many years—and that insane amount of acquired experience gives him an impressive arsenal of techniques – molecular vibration to phase. His experience with his own power adds that essential wisdom only obtainable through sheer decades of careful training, resulting in a huge mastery over those abilities.

6. Judy Garrick (The Boom): The First Flash Sidekick, Finally Revealed!

Previously unrevealed, that fact this important daughter of Jay Garrick even exists now gets to fully reveal those long-hidden details:  Judy Garrick is now confirmed in canon! It turns out, she travelled through time to assist her father. She's had his powers and is now another incredibly gifted member of this extremely wide-ranging family of speedsters.

5. Jesse Chambers (Jesse Quick): Speed Force and Super Strength!

Jesse Quick’s Speed Force connection comes from a Speed Formula. Another speedster with amazing capacity, thanks to being part of that legendary Flash family; however it isn't as fast as her contemporaries.

4. Godspeed (August Heart): Stealing Speed and Wreaking Havoc

August Heart received his immense abilities after becoming deeply affected after a crime he couldn't fix and that power completely went to his head, changing his attitude completely! Godspeed’s power over excess Speed Force, and the additional capacity of taking abilities from others (something Barry could never do!), that immense risk and threat to the Flash makes Godspeed immensely powerful!

3. Bart Allen (Impulse, Kid Flash): The Future Flash’s Potential

Barry Allen’s grandson—a future Flash—started early with amazing speed. Trained by Max Mercury – reaching unexpected levels of mastery which completely surpassed expectations which was entirely unheard of and quite amazing! His trajectory looks even better; and is truly a powerhouse in this already hugely diverse cast of characters.

2. Barry Allen (The Flash): The Pioneer of Speedster Abilities

The master. He knows the Speed Force deeply! After a fateful lightning strike, decades of tireless study elevated his ability in the speedster universe. He figured out how to travel universes by manipulating his molecules – even pushed himself during the Crisis on Infinite Earths to destroy dangerous antimatter cannons – and became one of the best, truly memorable figures who constantly demonstrates amazing capacity for self-sacrifice; and dedication which impacts everything he does in such huge and ultimately unforgettable ways.

1. Wally West (The Flash): The Ultimate Speedster and Symbol of Hope!

This guy?  A training machine; working tirelessly on perfecting speedster capabilities which resulted in amazing breakthroughs that surpass all previously known limits for a speedster. His legacy– through self-improvement and sheer dedication –has brought moments that truly impress those around him. He's incredibly skilled, creating incredibly memorable and highly impressive moments across the universe through many acts of heroism which is entirely unparalleled.  This ultimate speedster created unexpected methods (the Infinite Mass Punch), creating entirely new feats of superheroic accomplishment, such as the impossible, near-unheard of, feat that involved saving nearly a half million individuals within seconds!

Also Read: Every You Know About Wally West's Wife Linda Park Is About to Change.

Conclusion: A Speed Force Family's Legacy in a Flash

This ranking shows the massive depth within the Flash Family!   That Speed Force power varies; meaning origins of powers and even potential mastery matter significantly for how fast any specific Speedster truly is; and even how fast that particular Speedster could potentially achieve; a truly important point that constantly evolves. And their sheer capacity for heroism? Even that aspect also demonstrates these deep and often intense heroic actions only made possible through incredibly hard work and a profound devotion which are essential aspects often completely forgotten from that narrative, which highlights and reinforces their value beyond their immense superhuman abilities.

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