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10 Underrated DC Elseworlds Comics You Should Read

DC Comics has produced some of the greatest stories ever told, across various mediums! These legendary series even inspired their own world! DC has been known to reimagine some of its best stories using alternate takes with alternate timelines and worlds. And while there are some stories that have become instant classics, a few are hidden in plain sight! So, here is a list of some underrated gems to catch that are totally worth diving into.

id="the-most-underrated-dc-elseworlds-comics"> The Most Underrated DC Elseworlds Comics

DC is an amazing creator! From their big hits like the ongoing series to prestige comics and even the Elseworlds line, there is truly so much to see. For the past decades they've brought some awesome, special creations to comic book fans everywhere. It also introduced characters from across a vast number of years to see, giving fans the power of classic storylines, mixed with a unique twist. So when they were looking to create the Elseworlds stories there were no limitations. It didn't have to match up perfectly to the ongoing, established series! In a way that created some amazing possibilities and that meant you got to see unique variations. There are no other characters quite like Superman and Batman, they also appeared in various different roles as they navigated different worlds! The imprint wasn't only set in modern times! There's been an immense effort to take these great stories and move them across history.

Some might think of classic stories like "Kingdom Come" that has truly stood the test of time. That may have just set a precedent for a lot of fans who thought the imprint was as amazing as it gets. If you’re a true DC fan and have explored its vast catalog of comics, the Elseworlds line has so much to offer.

Also Read: Lobo's New 'House' Creates a Worthful Threat for Superman and His Family.

Number 10- Elseworld’s Finest:

John Cassaday art of wolverine, x-men and darth vader Image
  • "Elseworld's Finest" was such an impressive release because it takes two of the biggest characters!
  • That's right. Batman and Superman are brought back in time with the perfect blend of pulp-inspired storytelling! This miniseries is perfect for those who are huge fans of classic adventure stories! It gives these superheroes a twist to what was once seen.

Fans get a new take on a classic team, a team known to fans as "The World’s Finest!" This group is made of two heroes. They have a new mission, that includes chasing down a special item. An awesome treasure called the "Godstone" that helps them unravel some truly fantastic clues about a mystical location, the "Lost City of Argos"! And that's just one of the mysteries this adventure brings!

The two go against one another and that adds another compelling angle to the series. For those who have watched many DC films, "Lex Luthor" shows up with a different backstory! And there’s the well-known "Ra's al Ghul" as he makes his move for power.

Also Read: DC's House of Lobo: Fresh Danger for Superman, Kryptonian Family.

Number 9- Planetary/JLA: Terra Occulta:

Comic book art: the traditional Justice League meets their counterparts from the Multiverse. Image

DC is no stranger to making unique stories that really leave fans guessing as they try to decode some big clues about characters. It was hard not to like Planetary, which included so many things! It looked to have every icon that had captured the imaginations of so many. The coolest element is that the comics themselves go through a deep dive on various figures, everything from Doc Savage to Godzilla!

  • The main theme is about how a special team that helps save the day, are really the key, with their hidden influence over all those things!

What could bring the DC Universe together? The series includes Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent and Diana Prince. They team up to show off how a force can have control over those who may be leading. The three come together with a special task to overcome the powers that could ultimately make these super-powerful figures, no longer heroes.

  • Fans will be shocked. And so were many readers as it became a fan-favorite as the story was published back in the 1990s! You have this team battling powerful, but sneaky, evil villains who work in secret to influence and pull strings all over the world, but what the series also does is show how they might just end up causing a tragic demise for a few in the end! It also doesn’t fail to make things super exciting by weaving together some intense thriller-style plot, and some of the most mind-bending events to date, so that means that they bring an epic storyline full of the crazy, awesome characters!
Also Read: Epic Batman Cosplay re-creation of Death Metal Scythe and Faceoff with The Batman Who Laughs.

Number 8- Superman: War of the Worlds

absolute batman surrounded by blood spatter Image

One thing that makes these Elseworlds books so powerful is that they take you through the classic literary giants of the past! It can make these superhero Comics into even more awesome and unique releases!

What could bring a sense of amazement? There's a Superman story in a unique blend! In "Superman: War of the Worlds" the great story by HG Wells gets a truly new, epic adventure with a superhero at the center. You have these martian invaders, and the Golden Age Superman is trying his hardest to protect Earth from these enemies!

  • With the addition of Superman in this movie, we are shown how this war changes, a fantastically, well-loved twist to a classic story. You have the most classic version of Superman that doesn’t have all of the powers and advanced capabilities that everyone is used to seeing in the modern version! It turns this into something with intense, powerful stakes!
Also Read: Mind-blowing cosplay brought to life Jim Lee's iconic Superman/Batman art.

Number 7- The Golden Age:

The comic book world has some amazing characters with powerful and awesome heroes who give a voice to the issues that affect so many.

The world, has an endless supply of characters and in this case, you can explore what happened right after World War II. What was an extraordinary time and the show, "The Golden Age", takes a fascinating look at DC Comics classic characters.

There are characters facing an era of conspiracy. This looks like a great exploration of the challenges and issues around McCarthyism that rocked America back in the 1950s. To add a twist and to make things more thrilling for fans is a mastermind of villainy behind it. The villains hide their intentions, but end up in a conflict where they challenge DC's most powerful heroes who are always trying to right wrongs and make the world a better place. What could be even cooler is how it shares an amazing storyline with a similar theme from "Watchmen." It's clear there was inspiration, but fans should consider reading both as the two have similar elements.

id="number-6-jsa-the-liberty-file">Number 6- JSA: The Liberty File:

The world of DC is full of these heroic figures, and we often forget about the long history of DC Comics and how they are interwoven in some very interesting ways. For the story of the Justice Society ( JSA). It truly gets a different makeover!

  • With a special retelling that gives the story an intense thriller vibe. The JSA team is not only heroes with strong fighting skills but are a true team who use their intellect as well. It takes the most intelligent individuals who try to use a more subtle, almost silent approach!
  • To really get at the core of things. This team of heroes, with a few core members. This means we'll have a chance to catch the actions of "Batman, the iconic "Hourman," and a super-skilled "Doctor Mid-Nite!"
  • The team takes on a new adventure as they fight their way to the core, to stop a truly evil smuggler that is more infamous. This comes with his own alias as "Jack the Grin!", or simply, "Joker!"

In this tale, the Justice League is searching to understand more about what Germany might be up to in the shadows. There is one key to understanding and the Justice Society has a major confrontation with Superman!. There is also the added element of the sequel as well to really give these tales of espionage!

id="number-5-deathstroke-journeys-end">Number 5- Deathstroke: Journey’s End:

As far as superheroes, and villains, go there are lots of unique roles out there but there’s always a need to dive a bit deeper into what’s inside, what drives them to take the steps they’re known for! There is nothing quite like the power and ferocity of "Deathstroke! And when this powerful villain faces something catastrophic!

  • He’s more determined to give fans something they haven’t seen! This comes in the form of a truly apocalyptic adventure.

The "Deathstroke series follows a future that’s filled with a lot of dark and depressing elements! And in a world filled with mutants, the powerful villain must find a new role, his only objective- to save the world! It's so intense. We see a villain that was the end of the "Genetix," a type of creature created to dominate in this story! We’ll find out that this story gives you all the drama of "Escape from New York,"

id="number-4-batmanlobo">Number 4- Batman/Lobo

The "Elseworlds" imprint gave a lot of its characters big chances, but to do so they had to really explore what was possible and find a balance between chaos and the ability for a hero, in this case Batman, to take on the seemingly unstoppable, ultimate anti-hero that really challenged some of the big DC players.

  • In the comics, we see this fantastic combination of Batman battling the one known as "Lobo." The story centers around the intense competition between "The Joker" and "The Ventriloquist.", which both are looking to control a special territory! Gotham City!
  • This becomes the driving force behind them hiring this incredible, and terrifying villain as well! It gives audiences a wild battle that puts Batman at odds, as the two of them battle it out!
id="number-3-castle-of-the-bat">Number 3- Castle of the Bat:

It may just surprise fans that one of the greatest stories. It's the tale of "Batman," but set back in the 18th Century.

In the classic story we see a darker, more intense Batman who takes us back to a powerful moment where his father's tragic demise still lingers. This makes Bruce Wayne a powerhouse in his studies. He’s all about a special branch of science, biochemistry. The series also includes a look into some incredibly, complex concepts, especially as he studies these bats. And what’s his big plan? To try to bring his father, "Thomas Wayne" back from the dead!

  • But to his detriment, he ends up unleashing an absolute monster upon the world as he attempts to make this a reality.

What’s so crazy? Well it looks like this "Castle of the Bat " series gave fans something unique as it was one of those books where they brought the visuals, the tone and art all into an immersive story! For those who love those haunting horror tales this is definitely something you must read. You won't forget about the unique illustrations.

id="number-2-a-fistful-of-bastiches"> Number 2- A Fistful Of Bastiches:

Lobo, he has always been an amazing, over-the-top character in the DC Universe!

For fans who have not heard of Lobo and his crazy world he’s a force to be reckoned with in the DC universe!

You might think he has so much power but that's where we are going to go against that grain!

What happens in "A Fistful Of Bastiches?", well the character has been remade to bring all kinds of new twists!

  • He takes on the guise of a Western, as this incredible character becomes a powerful bounty hunter that moves in the world of Western stories and its traditions.

And for any fan of the series, it makes sense! These "Lobo" stories were a favorite! There was no holding back! They give this amazing anti-hero all the love that the character deserves!

id="number-1-justice-riders">Number 1- Justice Riders:

What could be better than cowboys, western movies and a special dose of "Justice League" members?! You have all that coming to you!

  • A tale of "Justice League" members who have been transported in time as gunfighter vigilantes!
  • It has everything that a good "western" should have as a tale!
  • They fight for the laws of the west, defending those who need their help.

It's an epic series full of characters that have gone down in history. What we're going to get, is something incredible as we follow this super strong group!

  • It all begins with "Wonder Woman," who's an epic hero in this world and is turned into a "marshal" in this tale, taking us into the western lore that we all know and love. And the villain in the series is truly evil!

You get a villain named "Felix Faust," an amazing magic wielder and the mastermind "Maxwell Lord, to bring chaos into the wild world!

What's great about "Justice Riders?" This comic series was a standout in "Elseworlds!" and gave audiences a classic take on "DC." and a tribute to some of the world's most powerful super heroes, with amazing stories that should keep every fan excited.

What you may have missed are these awesome "Elseworlds" stories! This incredible selection can truly make it so clear why this comic book universe is something that everyone can explore!

If you haven't taken a peek at the series, dive right in. Don't forget to share all the details of why you love this series!

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