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Vagabond: Why Takehiko Inoue Took a Break From His Masterpiece

Fans of manga are always in for a treat! There is one special artist called Takehiko Inoue. Inoue has captured hearts with works like Vagabond. This has an incredibly passionate fan base as well. But if you were a diehard fan of Vagabond and really want a continuation to its series, things might get complicated!

An Unfortunate Pause:

Fans are hoping that Vagabond would come back at some point, but they'll have to wait!

If Vagabond could have come out earlier. There's one issue for this great artist and what made this so interesting was, he explained just what was going on.

You can definitely make a case that Vagabond, was the most amazing manga from Inoue. Even with its huge success. It’s going to be one of the most important mangas. Fans love to hear about how these artistic masterpieces are created but there is no question as to why the latest chapter came out in May 2015.

While Chapter #327 is out and was part of a truly inspiring run.

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Taking a Break And Pressure

Musashi Miyamoto from Vagabond in official, full colored artwork featuring the series' title card. Image

In an amazing and thought-provoking interview that Inoue did! He got very personal about the experience of making Vagabond.

  • Inoue, in the most heartfelt and vulnerable way, explained that he truly did not feel passionate! The pressures of making a manga was incredibly hard.

It turned out this had a huge impact and while Vagabond brought huge praise from many. For Inoue, this went down a less satisfying path. For this talented, legendary artist, it became less like fun and enjoyable, and more about meeting those high standards he created. He had a real chance for it all to fall apart!

He REALized something critical. What was essential to keep creating a beautiful story was his passion.

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A Return To Form With Real

The First Slam Dunk's Shohuku high team lined up and marching forward in a line. Image

The series that followed Vagabond came as a huge shock to many. It became such an amazing work as well.

He released the series called "REAL." Fans might not REALize how long he had a tough time, and how his health took a decline!

What really helped Inoue was switching over to a basketball story and this inspired him in such a way that REAL took off!

You could say he went back to his passion. You may even think it’s a strange turn, however, it turns out to be an incredibly important story for those who know his work well, especially for those who watched "Slam Dunk" an amazing story about high school basketball! It appears Inoue was also a diehard fan of the "game". It had an impact, giving audiences a fantastic new story to look out for.

If that wasn't compelling enough, he brought some inspiration for those that had a "tougher journey". He met some incredible wheelchair athletes that really gave him new and powerful insight to share.

While Inoue put a lot of effort and time into Vagabond, it may seem this move created some space in his mind that ultimately let his skills to shine! In some ways, it might be unfortunate because many loved to read Vagabond. But with REAL taking such a huge impact with an incredibly beautiful story and showing up every three months, there are plenty to enjoy for sure!

There were lots of creative turns, too! While this artist went to an extremely long hiatus for "Vagabond and went back to working on this amazing new show, his ability to return and be more committed and inspired might bring in new readers for both of those series.

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Taking A Look Back at His History

Kuroko's Basketball and Prince of Tennis Heroes Image

What makes Takehiko Inoue, a true force to be reckoned with is his dedication to making compelling work that people really want to read, giving viewers another chance to go back to those special and inspiring stories. In recent years, Inoue gave his fanbase another look back at a masterpiece that was already iconic, taking on another impressive project that was not just a story for a new age but something to honor what was important to the artist himself, creating one of his earlier works!

  • He directed "The First Slam Dunk" in December 2022, which went on to be a big success and garnered some real interest!
  • The movie is incredibly loved as well!

You can see how popular these movies can be and "The First Slam Dunk" made such an impact. "The First Slam Dunk" has become one of the best-grossing anime movies!

It was definitely a win-win and showed what "Inoue" was capable of as well!

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The Legacy:

Fans will always have that special feeling! One that goes with amazing, talented people!

  • Vagabond is a manga that's considered a modern-day classic, full of impressive, compelling artwork.
  • It's a special, beautiful story to add to anyone's bookshelf.

Fans will truly adore it but if you aren't aware of Inoue's talent, he shows those incredible talents in other series. REAL gives us more of the same power in art as Vagabond. Even with REAL, you get an amazing story to lose yourself in! These inspiring stories and great artistic talents should always get your attention. For anyone who may have just started their manga adventure you can find this special series.

While Vagabond will always be missed as this pause continues, the "best artist" never stopped his quest to create those unforgettable, moving pieces!

There is still the question as to when "Vagabond" might return. Fans can continue to look at his current manga, "REAL," to fill that space!

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