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Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Why It Ended and What It Means

Why Did Super Dragon Ball Heroes End?

Dragon Ball continues to have a huge, passionate fan base that loves to experience its intricate world - with some going even further in terms of exploration - with many of those fans often considering it to be their main source of entertainment. However, one series that was inspired by those same events (Super Dragon Ball Heroes) came to a close. The Dragon Ball Heroes Anime had been running since 2018. The series took inspiration from the popular Bandai card game (Dragon Ball Heroes).

The Super Dragon Ball Heroes production ran for six years, but the most recent season (season 4) came to a conclusion. The show's popularity did reach some impressive numbers with a lot of dedicated Dragon Ball fans following the storylines (although those in the Dragon Ball fandom often questioned what its purpose would be for the Dragon Ball franchise , it still attracted millions of fans - particularly as a unique, offshoot, of the main series and, at its core, a spinoff. This production, even in its early phases, faced a large amount of criticism as those in the Dragon Ball fan base considered it to be too extreme. They worried that it would compromise the integrity of the main narrative as seen in the original Dragon Ball series. This series never reached that level of infamy, as many could consider it as a way to experience more action - an "infotainment" production, where many viewers simply enjoyed watching the incredible Dragon Ball fights and unique battles.

Does Super Dragon Ball Heroes Take Place In the Main Dragon Ball Universe?

Goku smiling and Vegeta crying Image

The Dragon Ball universe has become iconic over time - a world full of memorable characters, amazing transformations, and battles. But Super Dragon Ball Heroes was created in a different universe. The series has not become part of the Dragon Ball canon - or, in more common terms, those events, characters, and stories do not appear as if they would occur within those timelines or narratives - this was initially the intention as those in the Dragon Ball fandom have been very critical of how they want to see the Dragon Ball world evolve - as it has led to several passionate arguments from Dragon Ball purist.

The series is not meant to be a main part of the Dragon Ball timeline or any events as those events are only found within its video game version. That being said, fans might want to take into consideration how the series might have been a "testing ground." It provided an opportunity to see just how Dragon Ball might look in different iterations, with even Akira Toriyama acknowledging those elements.

How Does Super Dragon Ball Heroes Compare To Other Dragon Ball Series?

Fu observing a fight in Super Dragon Ball Heroes Image

The Dragon Ball franchise, from the original Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super has established a strong foundation as the source material that's become iconic - the core events and those storylines have inspired those events for Super Dragon Ball Heroes. But it seems that it does fall short in comparison. Even the most ardent Dragon Ball fan might not consider it as powerful as those classic titles.

The show takes more of an unconventional, creative path and has not been able to achieve that same level of recognition as it was widely considered to be an "inferior" series that had those Dragon Ball purist questioning how it was related to the Dragon Ball animation or Dragon Ball character development - but that doesn't make this a bad production. It still showcases some fun, compelling stories, unique visuals and even the inclusion of some compelling villains, in the sense that they stand out. The series doesn't attempt to follow the Dragon Ball continuity or the overall timeline that fans have grown to appreciate over many years, often as one of the biggest Anime series in history. It serves as more of an independent series. While its visual style is similar - it has received more scrutiny - and some fans even found fault with the overall animation, but even those fans still had a high amount of appreciation.

What Are The Biggest Issues With Super Dragon Ball Heroes?

Trunks with Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Vegeta in Super Dragon Ball Heroes Image

Super Dragon Ball Heroes had the potential to become something much grander - with those who enjoy this anime series hoping to see a unique iteration of those Dragon Ball characters - who would be taking on new, and innovative, paths. It is considered an experiment - for those involved, and it serves as an example to explore the universe's endless possibilities. However, there were some major flaws, specifically the show had difficulty achieving those qualities that make Dragon Ball a powerFul source material.

Some of the issues that have come up as critiques included how Super Dragon Ball Heroes took on those elements that made the original series a hit, in particular those Dragon Ball stories and Dragon Ball characters. The biggest issue often raised in critiques involved those events that took place in this universe as those fans who are very loyal often described the series as if it lacked any Dragon Ball character development and revolved around too much of those Dragon Ball Powerups, even giving the series a feeling of "unnecessary complexity" that didn't feel essential to those elements of the Dragon Ball series. It even had major issues in how the characters are portrayed in comparison to how they are shown in the Dragon Ball animation. This has been one of the main reasons it had less impact on the mainstream fan base - even though the overall quality and those moments are appreciated by those who are more dedicated. However, the overall events, action sequences, Dragon Ball villains and a multitude of unique Dragon Ball stories do deliver an experience.

Who are Some of the Main Dragon Ball Villains?

Dragon Ball Franchise Image Image

In the Dragon Ball franchise the world is filled with powerful, cunning and ruthless antagonists - known as villains who seek to destroy. One example would be Frieza, whose evil and ruthlessness make him a formidable force - those who watch the original anime can often recall how his powerful transformations and those moments he faces Goku, one of the main protagonists.

Those fans who follow the Dragon Ball stories might know that this is just one of many examples, there are many more, with several major and minor Dragon Ball villains. It is a great example of just how dynamic and intriguing those moments are as these antagonists take on a different, and oftentimes powerful, persona - creating those events, stories, and compelling characters - often forcing those in the Dragon Ball universe to step up.

Why Is the Dragon Ball Fan Base So Huge?

The Dragon Ball universe and Dragon Ball series have captivated audiences around the world - spanning from the original series, to the popular Dragon Ball Z, all of which have made this series into a global force, with fans spread out across several countries. There are millions and millions of fans, each of them relishing in those epic battles - including the powerful action sequences, visual effects and memorable events that showcase those events across multiple installments of the Dragon Ball franchise.

This popularity has only increased. Fans are also enthralled by those Dragon Ball characters, their personal stories and their connections with one another as the narrative often showcases an overarching goal and theme for these characters - with Goku's never-ending quest to become the strongest in the Dragon Ball universe and his journey toward understanding his power, his potential, his role as a fighter. Fans have often been enthralled with those incredible powerups, as Goku develops new, incredibly potent, forms - and these forms become the key to facing down those incredibly powerful Dragon Ball villains.

Is Dragon Ball A Video Game?

The Dragon Ball franchise is comprised of several multimedia properties - starting as manga - it was then adapted into Dragon Ball anime. But those who enjoy playing video games are given a wide range of choices as well.

There have been many video game titles produced as part of this franchise - and even in more recent releases fans can easily notice there's an immense number of productions such as "Dragon Ball Xenoverse," "Dragon Ball FighterZ" and the recent "Dragon Ball: The Breakers." The Dragon Ball franchise offers something that those who enjoy these titles may find compelling - it often takes on a nostalgic element.


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