Movies News Talk

Sukuna: The King of Curses in Jujutsu Kaisen - Everything You Need To Know

Who is Ryomen Sukuna in "Jujutsu Kaisen"?

Sukuna, also known as the King of Curses, is the ultimate bad guy in "Jujutsu Kaisen"! He is powerful as can be, with an abundance of cursed energy, and has destroyed tons of humans already. We haven't even seen anyone beat him, so this is one terrifying dude, but he's also an incredible villain, making the Jujutsu Kaisen Anime really interesting.

Why Is Sukuna's Cosplay so Popular?

  • Fans can't get enough of Sukuna’s awesome Sukuna cosplay! If you think of the Jujutsu Kaisen anime and the manga - this is a terrifying character, so he gets tons of love from fans!
  • A user on Reddit - _zenomori_ - totally knocked it out of the park with a Sukuna look! You’d swear he came to life, and even with his really creepy facial markings, that’s something really iconic from Sukuna! You'll know right away when Sukuna has taken over Yuji, with those sharp, black markings.

What's the deal with his face?

  • Those Sukuna markings are a must-have for any amazing Sukuna cosplay! The long, black marks around his eyes, nose, and forehead - totally spooky! The cosplayer - zenomori - has used makeup for the markings to match the series perfectly! Those markings, with all that red glow, make that Sukuna cursed technique look crazy powerful! He’s so evil but a totally iconic villain! The best Sukuna cosplay.

How does Sukuna control Yuji Itadori?

Sukuna, he's kind of a tricky one. You can't really get rid of him. You might think he’s gone when Yuji Itadori seems to be back in control - but he's still there. You get those glimpses, those crazy, wild, moments. The real kicker? Yuji is the only one who can possibly defeat him! The two of them actually share that body, making their relationship kind of interesting - because of that shared body and the intense connection they both have, but they’re more enemies than friends! Fans of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga can totally relate.

How Does Sukuna Make an Appearance in "Jujutsu Kaisen"?

He's a Cursed Spirit who, like, pops up in different forms. This is how those Jujutsu Kaisen sorcerers have to be on their game because of that supernatural craziness that comes with it.

What makes Sukuna so powerful?

He's totally a force of nature, as he is an incredibly powerful cursed spirit. He’s not even afraid to use that cursed energy to rip things apart - he even slices people with his super-strong Cursed Technique. Fans call this "Cleave". The best part is, those are just some of his super powers, and nobody's found a way to completely defeat him - though he's still in a constant battle for control with Yuji. It makes the fight between Sukuna vs Yuji absolutely incredible!

What if you are looking for a terrifying cospayer?

  • Those Jujutsu Kaisen characters really are incredible - with a huge Jujutsu Kaisen fandom!
  • Sukuna, as the most feared and powerful, always has some awesome cosplay for Jujutsu Kaisen! It looks like this character might be more of a fan-favorite, which doesn't really make sense considering what a jerk he is.
  • Fans of the series are super excited when there is a great Sukuna cosplay.

It looks like Jujutsu Kaisen, the anime and the manga, have tons more to offer to all these super cool cosplay characters - so many more stories with these awesome sorcerers!

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