One Piece Episode 1123: Release Date, Time, and What to Expect!
One Piece episode 1122 was legendary, possibly one of the best yet! The animation was superb; the emotional stakes impossibly high. That entire Egghead Island interlude ended perfectly; leaving audiences wondering just what the sequel could deliver. Given the recent news about the anime— episode 1123 will have even more hype!
Episode 1122 picked up where 1121 left off, showcasing that epic showdown withAvalo Pizarro, that super dangerous pirate and his crazyIsle-Isle Fruitabilities.Koby, our ever-growing underdog, felt utterly helpless untilGarpinspires him and provides an opening; that leads into a glorious moment. Pure spectacle! This all set the stage for something even bigger– something coming very soon (maybe). Or maybe much later. We just don't know!
Normally,One Piecedrops weekly onCrunchyrollandNetflix.Episode1123should've beenSaturday, October 19th, and that was previously scheduled! But theOne Piece Fan Letteranniversary special is going to run instead; another highly anticipated moment; a highly popular special for fans!
Then it also recently got announced that the anime’s actually on hiatus untilApril 2025! Instead, they’re airing a re-editedFishman Islandarc. No one knows exactly when or howEpisode 1123will air; that info is still in the works; creating a lot of anxiety amongst fans everywhere!
Episode 1122 (“The Last Lesson! Impact Inherited”) opens with a powerful flashback—GarpteachingKoby(and other Marines) this really significant lesson around choices during wartime. That scenario shows just how important such decisions are and helps highlight just why Koby would later make his pivotal decision. That key event created those highly impacting conditions.
Then? Garphelps out our strugglingKobyin an amazing action scene, that moment of supreme badassery! ThenKoby(aided byHelmeppoandGrus), usesHakito unleash his ultimate attack–anamazing, beautifully directed display of skill. And all the emotional development? Incredible.
Kobyis the star here—episode 1122 showcases his growth; from this completely inexperienced person to this absolute force, an unlikely hero whose efforts and actions resulted in major victories for those he tried to protect. That final blow shows an epic spectacle far beyond the source material (manga)!
That amazing battle scene? It was much, much greater. All the visuals created those incredible impacts and those perfectly chosen moments—showcasing Koby’s growth in skill; demonstrating that power developed; perfectly portraying everything he had endured over 20+ years! All of these things, both personal growth and combat power were demonstrated incredibly effectively, creating amazing results!
That surprise announcement regarding the unexpected break? That created even greater anticipation from an already excited fanbase! This perfectly placed the unexpected ending and the moment for pausing and considering these other, previously unexpected plot turns which would involve characters never initially imagined possible— like bringing inGarpandKoby, alongside other supporting cast that were introduced in unexpected but powerful ways!Episode1122is totally the ideal stopping point and has created immense and incredibly valuable anticipation and the resulting effects of pausing in this critically timed moment would further add tension. It will surely generate massive hype later! What will they do when they actually resume production? Everyone needs to remember this highly impactful cliffhanger to further grasp what has changed between then and now.
Episode 1122was pure gold; but those developments created massive levels of intrigue and added layers to an already existing powerful plotline that was delivered so well— adding a very needed surprise! The sudden break was quite shocking; yet those moments generate even greater levels of excitement!
No one knows when exactlyEpisode 1123drops, yet this wait itself; this perfectly placed and timed hiatus; increases the anticipated level of excitement for that future release— adding yet another level to those incredibly high hopes that viewers already have— showing that these very surprising and entirely unexpected delays and pauses often end in something really impressive.Get ready for that comeback; a legendary moment and event sure to be remembered.