The ending of JoJo Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean was met with controversy as it featured a series of events, particularly Pucci - the antagonist in the series and the primary force behind the "Heaven" plan. This character attempts to reshape the universe - in a moment where those in Stone Ocean had to contend with Made in Heaven Stand - which is the most dangerous aspect of this tale. Many had come to criticize the series for its choice of an abrupt ending that gave an open-ended feel to those who had followed Stone Ocean (JoJo Bizarre Adventure Part 6) for many years. Those following the JoJo Anime and manga may even remember the change to the story that brought those who had come to appreciate the show's intricacies. It also highlighted the main conflict that the characters faced off against. This also sparked debate as some fans argued that it should have concluded with a specific, grand finale that might have provided more closure for the characters, as well as those watching the series - which served as a core theme. In many ways, the show's storyline centered around Pucci’s plan to make a drastic shift that changed the entire timeline - one that would erase any form of future fate and replace it with the ultimate reality. In a sense, Pucci wanted to ensure that time ran at a much faster pace - a dangerous outcome - particularly as it served as an apocalyptic outcome for those following Stone Ocean.
Fans were not entirely pleased with the end of this installment of JoJo Bizarre Adventure - particularly when considering how Stone Ocean had a distinct change in its final stages, this alteration was done at the last moment. Those who are fans of JoJo have been watching for decades, as it had been part of an enduring series (JoJo Bizarre Adventure Series) that took those fans through a rich world with distinct characters and an even more unique artistic style, often characterized by its flamboyant and intricate movements.
While fans of JoJo are excited to explore the series, those who follow the manga will know that it is widely understood - through an assortment of notes in its volume release - that there was the potential for Giorno Giovanna to have played a more dominant role, specifically during Stone Ocean, especially during a major event that could have played a central role: the confrontation with Pucci. Giorno's ability to use the Gold Experience Requiem to negate the actions of Made in Heaven Stand could have given those watching a unique perspective into just how his actions would affect those involved in this fight.
The Stone Ocean Controversy has been connected to a specific comment that was added to the end of chapter 115 (in the volume 13 release) that provided some speculation as to what Araki had in mind, especially with a teaser that included the possibility that Giorno Giovanna was somewhere in Florida. There was a slew of speculation about whether this would happen or it was simply an amusing thought - in essence, a hint at how he could play an important role. A few may even be inclined to wonder just how Giorno Giovanna would impact this storyline as it would add another complex layer.
Fans may be curious about the Stone Ocean Original Ending. A specific note by the artist Hirohiko Araki provides some valuable insights, especially considering that he made a last minute change - shifting from the original storyline and the events in the Stone Ocean Ending that would have featured a battle between Giorno Giovanna Stone Ocean, who would make his debut, and Pucci , as they clashed with Made in Heaven.
Araki made a drastic change to the Stone Ocean Ending - and many fans have debated the reasoning behind it. Many argue that Araki thought to end JoJo with Stone Ocean (a powerful moment to stop a series), however, the artist ultimately chose to move in a different direction - to change his intentions, and bring back the JoJo bloodline and reshape JoJo into an event that had an even larger scope and impact - a testament to his incredible range of ideas, and even creativity - giving fans an abundance to think about as they explore his universe - JoJo Bizarre Adventure. This was an intriguing moment as many have stated how Stone Ocean could have concluded, or that it was simply too big of an arc - with a major battle between Giorno Giovanna (one of the most popular characters within this franchise) and Pucci. However, many also wonder just how the narrative would take shape, with his addition. Many speculate that it would have transformed JoJo to take on an entirely new approach.
Giorno Giovanna (who is the protagonist for Part 5 of the series JoJo Bizarre Adventure) has been called Strongest JoJo Protagonist , even with his role, and his abilities have helped make him one of the most admired and powerful figures. He even served as a critical part of Golden Wind. Those watching the JoJo Anime are drawn into his story as Giorno uses his stand to help him overcome his challenges.
While Giorno Giovanna may be considered by many fans to be the most powerful, it is also critical to recognize just how the story in Stone Ocean takes shape, specifically how his presence might have added to the conflict with Pucci. In essence, he is considered a powerful protagonist. The series would need to shift from what we were shown.
JoJo Bizarre Adventure has captured a large audience through those fascinating and intriguing elements within a larger narrative - centered on a single family: The Joestar Bloodline. This JoJo Bizarre Adventure History continues to capture fans and draw in new audiences who are excited about those events.
Fans are treated to those key figures who take on the Joestar Birthmark and the influence it has over their actions and their life. A mark that seems to have been passed down across the lineage - often highlighting how these characters might be forced to take part in a journey against evil. As they embark on a dangerous, life-altering journey. Those fans who love the series - often recognize just how those characters must come together to take on a new path or even face a threat to their very lives.
While JoJo Bizarre Adventure often delivers fantastical, mind-bending, stories and those abilities that many will think are far out - in essence a "bizarre" event - it seems as if this universe takes place in the real world as fans see those characters come together to overcome those supernatural challenges that are given a realistic feel as a critical component of JoJo Bizarre Adventure. Fans may question if some elements that occur within JoJo Bizarre Adventure actually exist in the world around us - specifically considering Made in Heaven a powerful ability ( a Stand ) used to reshape time.
Those fans of JoJo Bizarre Adventure are introduced to how powerful these entities can be and just how they could change events as they have a wide range of possibilities. Those interested in the JoJo Bizarre Adventure Characters (often known for being both flamboyant and incredibly powerful) will quickly grasp just how influential those powers can be.
JoJo Bizarre Adventure (an epic story) that takes on various twists in its many parts has always attracted its fair share of criticism or debate. For fans of Stone Ocean there were some aspects that caused fans to think differently as to why the show took a unique direction and, most importantly, how this concluding portion had such an unconventional style.
The story was criticized for how Stone Ocean took an unexpected turn toward a highly ambitious storyline involving the villain Pucci and the goal behind the Heaven plan that was intended. In many ways, this arc focused on a grand vision - particularly considering that JoJo Bizarre Adventure's narrative has often featured battles for the ages as the characters challenged the world around them.