The Dragon Ball franchise is one of the best-known, best loved series around! Everyone has a favorite, whether it's a special character like Gohan or their exciting battles, they make audiences worldwide come back for more. However, a new transformation called Beast, is making all of the fans reconsider some major points, specifically that of how strong Gohan really is.
When it first came out fans were like WOW, but did you know this was one of the biggest developments for Dragon Ball. And it made many people take notice. But this form isn’t some wild, uncontrollable power that’s a major change! Instead, Gohan is showing everyone that he's something special as a fighter!
Gohan has always been known as the “Chosen One” and as the main protagonist he could have taken over this show in an awesome way!
Gohan’s story seems like a change of direction, a true departure. In all of this power that Goku’s son holds, his Saiyan background, really took a backseat, giving the impression he’s more human!
In the world of Dragon Ball, these superpowered characters seem to be something legendary, including these awesome powers in "Dragon Ball Super," Gohan was shown going head to head against a combined force! You know, one of those fused warriors called Kefla.
What might have made fans think more about this special transformation in Dragon Ball! They also introduced "Potential Unleashed Gohan."!
Fans even loved the moments from this series as they watched Goku's son become a real force!
What we learn is this latest version, the Beast Form in the Dragon Ball Super manga. This transformation is a result of years of development and was also one that was well thought out. Fans, are getting an in-depth explanation of why Gohan’s new powers are so intense. The series creators had a pretty interesting intention behind this change: It gives us the ability to consider that the Beast Form is essentially a super version of the Super Saiyan form.
One of the big aspects to remember. Is Gohan’s transformation is only one part of the greater picture and if he was able to access this special form from a human and Saiyan lineage, others might too.
It looks like Dragon Ball may bring to light new character's skills!
It looks like everyone has this hidden power.
These special characters didn't get that much screen time in "Dragon Ball GT," a beloved part of the Dragon Ball universe, or perhaps there will be new content that helps give some of the series more attention. Fans may even have the opportunity to witness just how capable those hybrids can become, specifically as they learn more about "Gohan’s powers!
While Gohan was set to really turn heads as he was seen embracing the world of humanity and human spirit over his Saiyan heritage. His new form shows off that this is a great blend of both!
You can really get a great sense that "Beast" is inspired by the power that Saiyans get and how they bring their own unique approach to things. Fans got an important moment from Gohan’s father Goku. The legendary fighter recognized that there's so much power!
Goku’s powerful observations: Goku stated in "Dragon Ball Super," that there is such a thing as being “a great way to control anger!” It made Gohan’s special ability even more memorable for audiences!
The idea that there is something that binds the characters of the Dragon Ball universe was a really well-thought-out move from the show’s creators!
The latest evolution of the Dragon Ball series that everyone has loved has been incredible, showing a unique blend of power!
It really is what gives us all of these awesome characters and their super powers, bringing them to the big screen! It's only going to get better, too, if we continue to see this epic show's evolution. If Goku was ever trying to get to the top, his son, Gohan, could give him a run for his money! It’s going to be pretty epic!