The Dragon Ball series tells the epic tale of Son Goku and his quest for the mystical Dragon Balls - the seven magical orbs which would grant the wish of any who gathered them together, creating a never-ending struggle. The show focuses on Goku's growth as a character and the powerful relationships he builds - a common theme throughout the franchise.
Dragon Ball has continued to expand. This multimedia franchise includes manga, animated series, movies, special events, and an assortment of video games. The series has gone through several transformations: Dragon Ball Z followed Goku as he reached adulthood, emphasizing his character growth and the intensity of those iconic Dragon Ball battles, particularly those against the memorable villains - including Frieza, Cell, and Majin Buu - that made this series a cult favorite.
If you're a new or returning Dragon Ball fan, one challenge will undoubtedly arise: navigating through the series' complex timeline and watch order. It's difficult to know how to start!
Thankfully, there are a few options to guide you - including the canon watch order, a shortcut version to watch through all the key moments of the anime without skipping key storylines and battles - including Dragon Ball Super - or a non-canon version, a method that focuses on all those special movies and series. Each version allows fans to discover those distinct moments - those heart-pumping Dragon Ball battles and epic fights between Goku and his long-time rival Vegeta, or explore the characters, such as the character growth of Goku - a character who is the core figure for this series or delve into the Dragon Ball universe with those special episodes that often feature a more unique look into this fictional realm.
One of the latest installments is Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. While Dragon Ball is considered a cornerstone anime series and was initially developed in manga form, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero made its way to a larger audience by also becoming a theatrical release. Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero offered fans a new look at the world of Dragon Ball.
Fans of Dragon Ball Super will enjoy the latest releases - those key moments with Goku, who takes on a strong sense of responsibility as a father, his love for family, and his quest to become even more powerful - which often explores those Dragon Ball battles - which includes the latest installment - a production that had a more distinctive storyline, which incorporated new villains, the addition of a more powerful version of Goku with Ultra Instinct.
For fans of Dragon Ball Z, those who are more interested in exploring those moments that center around the show's core story arc, including those heart-pounding Dragon Ball battles - particularly those iconic Dragon Ball moments.
You will have to choose the Dragon Ball canon watch order. - It is a list that was designed for fans to experience those stories that were developed by Akira Toriyama (a famed artist and creator). Here's the breakdown for those seeking out an immersive Dragon Ball experience.
Those who don't have time or desire to experience those extra moments can take the Dragon Ball shortcut watch order. It condenses the experience for a more focused story and gives those viewers an expedited route - especially if you're just starting the Dragon Ball Super series. This watch order has fewer filler episodes and focuses on the core narrative of those core battles that fans of Dragon Ball - the main show, love so much!.
While the Dragon Ball canon is known for its core storylines and memorable Dragon Ball battles, there are those moments that extend the world, which fans may find more intriguing.
The non-canon side of Dragon Ball gives fans an opportunity to explore alternate storylines. It allows fans to dive into a Dragon Ball Z watch order - to experience those movies, like Dragon Ball GT, which expanded beyond the boundaries of the main show, and often serves up unique moments such as those found with Super Saiyan 4 or features some notable new villains, including the villain Cooler, as well as the original Broly and his key role in three separate films.
Filler episodes are those which aren't part of the main story, often serving as a bridge - a way to connect the plot.
When fans are exploring Dragon Ball in a canon watch order - these are often the moments to skip. While there may be some episodes that might not seem like "filler," they often add to the narrative's core moments, but it also allows viewers to get to know the characters more - Goku, Vegeta, Trunks , and the rest - providing additional backstory.
There are several different Dragon Ball watch order possibilities, but the one that often causes confusion amongst those who are just starting is deciding on whether they should watch Dragon Ball Z or Dragon Ball Z Kai. Each version offers a more distinctive take on those iconic moments - Dragon Ball battles and character arcs. They even cover the same key events - the stories that have made this franchise so popular.
While many Dragon Ball Z Kai Reviews speak highly about this version, which aims to remove a large percentage of filler and offers an enhanced storyline, the original Dragon Ball Z serves as the groundwork for its story - a must-watch to have a complete and nuanced experience of how the characters transformed. As an updated version, it might be best to watch Dragon Ball Z Kai, a more contemporary version that captures those intense Dragon Ball battles, however those who have experienced those key moments and stories of the original will discover Dragon Ball Z.
Fans may ask about the meaning behind those Dragon Ball Movies, Specials and non-canon productions that aren't a part of the main series.
Dragon Ball has grown to be a more extensive franchise - including an array of Dragon Ball Z movies and Dragon Ball Specials that explore different aspects of the Dragon Ball Universe, as well as new characters - such as Cooler (Cooler's Revenge, The Return of Cooler and the original Broly. However, those Dragon Ball Z movies are not apart of the canon, even though they offer new and distinct narratives and help to give a better picture of Akira Toriyama's (Akira Toriyama is the creator of this franchise) world and how the series evolved. Dragon Ball Super, an extension of Dragon Ball Z and the latest version that is often described as being an extension to Dragon Ball Super is the canon. The series has been so wildly successful with both audiences and critical acclaim and also had two movies: Battle of Gods, an epic film that showcased the new Super Saiyan God power that Goku learned and Resurrection 'F', a film which saw Goku’s power evolve. It serves as a companion series to Dragon Ball Z.