"Uji ni wa Monogatari ga Aru": A Beautiful Short Film Every Anime Lover Should See Kyoto Animation
The entire version of "Uji ni wa Monogatari ga Aru" ("Tales Exist in Uji"), the YouTube channel for Uji City in Japan lately posted. Originally showing as a 30-second commercial earlier this year, this short promotional film was created by Kyoto Animation. Kyoto Animation's trademark high-quality animation in a brief, jazzy adventure is showcased fully in six minutes.
Kyoto Animation Creates Wonderland From Uji City
"Uji ni wa Monogatari ga Aru" centers on a young woman searching for her phone stolen by an enigmatic white rabbit in classic fairy tale manner. This theft sets off a chase that deftly passes her around the several sites of Uji City, highlighting its past via enigmatic time travel, and provides her with chances to sample its revered matcha goods. The film depends on jazz music to complement its images rather than a storyline or sound effects. Originally, the video was turned into a brief commercial that Uji City's YouTube channel uploaded back in March, giving viewers a quick peek into Kyoto Animation's most recent creations.
Kyoto Animation: Outside Seasonal TV Projects
Although seasonal television shows are a trademark of anime companies, "Uji ni wa Monogatari ga Aru" reminds us that these companies also commit their skills to marketing and advertising initiatives. Fortunately, Uji City has given a rare look at the larger repertoire of this studio—which would otherwise stay mainly obscure. This short film presents a special chance to value the studio's capacity beyond their regular long-form projects.
More Than Just a Salespiece
Though with a tourism-oriented premise and a short running length, "Uji ni wa Monogatari ga Aru" is an engaging work of media that uses images and music to create a whole narrative. Fans of the studio should not pass up this movie. Kyoto Animation's creative images and surreal vision show its mastery, hence even an animated tour of Uji City becomes an interesting trip. Before it vanishes from memory, this movie demands viewing.
Talent Beyond the Norm at Kyoto Animation
Although "Uji ni wa Monogatari ga Aru" would not be the first or final advertising initiative a studio works on, these efforts sometimes go unheard-of. Though intriguing, these little promotional movies are sometimes disregarded in favor of longer, season-long productions. For those with six minutes to spare, nevertheless, "Uji ni wa Monogatari ga Aru" is absolutely must-see. This movie shows Kyoto Animation's creative ability in formats that anime buffs hardly see or recall, therefore highlighting the studio's adaptability.