“Suicide Squad” and related series from DC universe have made strides in various forms of media, while showing morally ambiguous and unique characters. Creatur Commandos became a springboard for exploring these types of characters.

Introduction to Creature Commandos

Creature Commandos acts as a launching point for the DCU with focus on misfits which are similar in fashion to The Suicide Squad from Gunn. It is an animated series that depicts Task Force M going on various dangerous missions which are very similar to how the Suicide Squad operates, along with that these are not viewed to be “good guys”. It showcases morally grey areas along with personal challenges for each character to overcome.

Misfit Characters and Story Lines

Each character is given backstories that are complicated showcasing various relatable qualities. Many of them include rejection, violence, personal tragedy and internal battles while they also learn how to work together as a team which makes the viewer care for these unusual protagonists.

Characters and Their Appeal

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Amanda Waller

The character Amanda Waller serves as a major piece of continuity being brought to the DCU through her control in ARGUS and this also expands her persona while her ruthless actions do not make her a likeable figure, her decisions make her one to be both feared and respected for dedication. Her decisions lead a domino effect throughout several of the character’s stories showing the impact of power and choices.


Circe at first glance is presented as a villian who ends up having pure intentions which blur lines between good and bad. The character may act from selfish motives but wants the betterment of the world. Which showcases how even a morally ambiguous character can have an importance.

Doctor Phosphorus

As an intimidating force he has a very unique skill set. His backstory gives a more tragic twist while he continues to make more volatile and rash decisions. Despite his history of poor choices audiences find that he struggles internally with where he is and the choices he had previously made.

Eric Frankenstein

Eric acts as a comical relief while simultaneously presenting how dangerous the character can truly be due to his violent tendencies that show up through several relationships. His story was based upon the Frankenstein monster story yet has been expanded upon to include a different element of love.

Weasel's Backstory

Weasel a strange character who audiences had viewed previously in another project called “The Suicide Squad” gets new depth through the second series as his story unfolds that the creature was framed for a terrible act in an attempt to save others instead of doing any evil deed. He is seeking a form of redemption.


Alexi’s energy and dedication made him into a fan favorite. Despite having limited time the character was someone that gave the group some sort of heart in their journey which made his departure all the more heart breaking. Doctor Phosphorus showing genuine regret after removing his head was a subtle point on his impact in his own storyline.

Rick Flag Sr.

The senior member of the group showcases the honor and bravery which many of the other characters lack during key moments of the shows plot development. Rick was shown to disobey orders if they went against his own moral values while also using patience to bring his teams together in order to complete difficult tasks.

G.I. Robot

As a robot created for killing Nazis his human experience was highlighted showing that this robot desired more. Even while following orders a deeper desire was to feel more connection as one with others. He showcases what a truly great friendship may look like even within strange and unusual relationships.

The Bride

She was created by Eric to act as his wife and this set up a cycle of a tragic longing. A past lover forced her to push others away in order to keep from getting hurt, but as the show progresses she grows more and comes to care for her fellow members of Task Force M and finds an emotional connection with her team mates in a way which makes her more human than monstrous.

Nina Mazursky

Nina as the final member showcased in this first season has been touted as a heart for the rest of the characters. While she was created from an unfortunate circumstance she still brings to the group a need to do what is right. Her perspective adds a unique twist in how she interacts with the world. She struggles through moral issues with right and wrong with kindness which becomes a driving force for team choices.

Themes and Moral Ambiguity

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Many morally complicated situations are highlighted as each episode creates more difficult choices that force characters to question who they are what is right and how it impacts everyone. The series blurs the lines of good and evil by showcasing characters that are neither a hero or an ultimate bad guy, the gray space is shown through every perspective.

DCU and Character Exploration

The series has created room for all characters in various future projects. The new continuity of characters could appear in shows or movies that include the possibility of live action format to all that have been created as their animated selves.


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Even with previous challenges in the Suicide Squad movie franchise there is high potential for James Gunn to create more opportunities for a more expanded universe which creates a space to introduce characters from every perspective while retaining elements of the source material for a creative twist.

Reinventing Classic Story Elements

There is more intention to deliver stories with different focuses than a typical hero/villian narrative. There is more of an opportunity to lean into both human and non human traits to help the audience understand new views which shows an understanding to the character which previously may not have existed.

Key Takeaways

  • Creature Commandos is the first show in the DCU focusing on a group of unique anti-hero characters.
  • Each character was created with morally grey areas as they all are from different areas of the world and have experienced tragic scenarios.
  • Each character was built up to connect with audience through compelling story lines making each relatable in spite of differences.
  • James Gunn and team have been able to create more continuity among various productions by allowing characters to appear in different projects in the new universe of DC.
  • The series has shown there are creative approaches to presenting complex characters which could potentially lead to more diverse representation for the screen as more development continues.