On May 30, the Epic Games Store will be distributing another free game; but, current events could ruin what would be a wonderful gift. Free game giveaways, usually with one released each week, have been somewhat prevalent on the Epic Games shop in order to acquire market share from Valve's Steam, PC gaming's most used digital shop. Usually, using free offers means no strings attached; unlike PlayStation Plus's monthly titles, there are no ongoing subscription requirements. That does not, however, render the agreement unqualified for issues with the free game itself.
As part of the Epic Game Store's continuous Mega Sale 2024, Dealabs Magazine claims Chivalry 2 will be given away for free from May 30 to June 6. Released in 2021 as much-needed follow-up to Chivalry: Medieval Warfare from 2012, the first-person, multiplayer medieval warfare game For those who haven't yet had the opportunity to play Torn Banner Studios' most recent game, looking at recent user reviews on the Steam website may cause you pause: there are many reports of players running into cheaters in Chivalry 2.
Although Chivalry 2 is not confirmed as the next free EGS game, the author of the Dealabs article is respected leaker billbill-kun. Usually kept under wraps until the day the 100% discount starts, the forthcoming surprise giveaway games from The Epic Game Store are If Steam reviews are taken at face value, some seem to have less than ideal experience in Chivalry 2. The game is nearly totally focused on online PvP, an experience cheaters may quickly destroy.
Unlike the present free Epic Games Store title, Farming Simulator 22, which is usually appreciated as a leisure, lonely getaway, it would be an opposite experience. Steam reviews for Chivalry 2 point to cheaters, frequent server disconnections, and a plethora of issues. Many especially attribute developer Torn Banner's failure to solve such problems on his introduction of new flaws with every next release. Usually among the best entries in the melee slasher subgenre, Chivalry 2 is one; Mordhau is another well-liked game, but its reputation may be changing.
The present situation of the game looks to be very different from the debut of Chivalry 2 on Steam (about a year after it published on PC via EGS only), which was accompanied by an update including a plethora of fresh material to the game. Though many may be deterred away if first impressions are negative, reports of widespread cheating in Chivalry 2 are regrettable as the game is free on the Epic Games Store might attract a flood of fresh players. Still, it's worth grabbing the title while it's free and hoping Torn Banner will resolve the present problems compromising the game.
The studio might find it challenging to turn around this scenario. Issues like cheating and glitches could turn off many players, so it could be difficult to draw people in the middle of the turmoil—a significant loss since the game itself has a strong basis. Though the problems of online multiplayer games and its accompanying ones are not new, maybe the studio will be able to resolve them so the game may realize its best potential.