The creators of the renowned Oshi no Ko manga franchise Aka Akasaka writer and Mengo Yokoyari illustrator recently gave opinions regarding the live-action movie adaptation that launched in Japan December 20th. The live action version required careful consideration of both their creative output and character depiction that would translate to the screen. While at first hesitant the manga artists have shared the positive experience of seeing their work translate to a different artistic media.
Mengo Yokoyari stated she believed the main themes presented in manga was conveyed appropriately in movie format adding to overall positive reception in Comic Natalie interview. Mengo Yokoyari has admitted she had less involvement due to her role as an illustrator and other projects however Akasaka supervised the live action project and at first questioned live action capabilities stating the manga depicted dark side of live-action questioning feasibility for translation into film . Aka Akasaka also added his concerns his character design and specific stylings wouldn’t translate into live-action movie context and especially hair and clothing but this fear was later proved wrong.
Aka Akasaka stated he was allowed review from the film composition stages however consciously didn't request corrections to the work though there were source material deviations. Akasaka gave praise for entire live action team noting each individual had extreme ownership in film production working with incredible attention to detail and writing script as if it were their own work. Akasaka felt deeply respected as the live action series used new and original styles which could not be produced in the traditional manga context. He added any attempt to force manga qualities into the movie version would lessen final output of all who have contributed with their original artistic visions of live-action presentation.
Mengo Yokoyari's response followed Akasaka's emphasizing satisfaction in reconstructed manga themes with film implementation saying everyone gave extreme dedication and attention to details. Yokoyari explained seeing story from unique view helped develop an “outsider's” understanding and appreciation and it deepened appreciation for characters adding a special angle. Yokoyari stated she felt she could now love characters even more now that she had a different view point.
Oshi no Ko’s live-action adaptations show mixed response globally with many commenting on both the series and film adaptation while praising others for casting choices and unique costume styles. The original manga with the animated series has experienced positive responses and wide audience approval. Season one of the anime show as of time of writing earned a 95% audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes and also achieved 8.60 10 on MyAnimeList highlighting popularity of initial source materials that many consider foundational when considering how live action would turn out. These mixed audience responses demonstrates there are key considerations between different art forms during adaptation phase as both formats do provide varied interpretations with some people feeling either is far better than others for final delivery .
The Oshi no Ko live-action series premiered on Amazon Prime Video last month with the movie launching later in Japan on December 20 2024. The movie still has no set plans for a worldwide distribution though many anticipate movie launch on Amazon Prime Video as direct sequel with the same actors. The staff also remains consistent throughout the production creating great potential for streaming availability soon globally. Amazon Prime Video's official channel and press releases provide key insights and updates concerning streaming availability in all international regions for the live-action project.
While the live-action did not draw same response as the anime fans seemed to overall favor with general audience for it’s more grounded take for many. The grounded plot line helps live action feel authentic especially given anime fans show a lot of skepticism for previous live-action attempts at other stories and film settings. Oshi no Ko’s story is seen by many to contain fewer fantastical and magical story elements which may allow for an easier interpretation of real world experiences which may cause a feeling of it being more naturally translated to television screen rather than film adaptations of classic shojo series.
Both Anime and Live action share similarities about exploration into world of pop culture along with unique nuances to Japanese Idol Culture. The series explores celebrity relationships plus entertainment business realities and complexities though all formats. While tones often differ between them these thematic interpretations of industry and popular media culture are presented consistently demonstrating the power of storytelling for both forms and allowing flexibility when translating artistic intent between differing mediums like manga versus animation versus live action on television screens.
Mengo Yokoyari and Aka Akasaka recently shared praise on the final product for production on series and film adding the movie contained the same key themes that was present from inception which many Japanese press outlets used as a way to promote positive aspects of movie. Mengo Yokoyari had very little involvement in production whereas Aka Akasaka admitted his limited engagement by choosing not intervene at several different times due to his belief the staff were fully committed to highest possible product quality with care and understanding of original work. This unique approach to story adaptation from manga through both anime and now live action can provide the blueprint for other artists as they see their stories translated for different types of visual consumers.
Aka Akasaka felt incredible sense of involvement of all members working on movie. He openly stated the movie production crew were extremely dedicated to film from inception adding that they worked while always feeling honored and respected in all production elements of this project. Despite source deviations he said he consciously decided against attempting to make corrections or additions stating film version has the opportunity to create it's own visual identity allowing all adaptations to express something unique and new rather than copy previous material with a sense of respect to each media type. Aka Akasaka stated despite changes the crew were giving best possible effort to remain authentic to key elements of series for fans demonstrating careful directorial direction as decisions are made.
Yokoyari added even though not involved in all elements during filming she did believe the movie version does show the original manga themes effectively proving movie did accurately achieve primary objective despite being expressed in a newer visual language.
Manga readers and anime watchers have often expressed their displeasure of Oshi no Ko manga’s series end. Similar complaints of past Aka Akasaka series including Kaguya-sama Love is War are expressed on forums. Author Akasaka defended the manga series endings stating that plot points always were intended by him to be final conclusion despite negativity on public forums.
Oshi no Ko’s live-action television series is available on Amazon Prime Video for viewers to make own personal evaluation about overall production and delivery when comparing to manga and anime renditions of storyline