The wildly popular manga series Oshi no Ko is coming to an end soon! Created by Aka Akasaka and Mengo Yokoyari, this thrilling story is wrapping up its amazing run after four years of amazing adventures!
Get ready because the final chapter is coming! According to the official Oshi no Ko account on X (formerly Twitter), the final chapter will be released on November 14, 2024. There's a short break between chapters though so keep your eye out for the next chapter, coming October 23, 2024.
What makes it especially notable, is that fans will be super eager to see this. It seems that this is a major turn of events, ending a truly remarkable series that was published and popular all across Japan!
Even with the major plot developments. The mystery behind Ai's death, and those behind it have mostly been resolved. The final arc looks to answer one more crucial question:
The manga is set up as a revenge story! With a major cliffhanger at the end of Chapter 162, everyone is asking:
It looks like a whole lot of answers for Aqua who will need to figure out his career goals (like being a heart surgeon), make time for his personal life and all the loved ones who support him! This includes having these important moments:
These are so compelling because they give some interesting questions about the future!
What everyone wants to know is who survives!
Fans know that Aqua's motivations to seek revenge for his mother's death have already happened. What does the future hold for Aqua? Will it bring some exciting, awesome moment of peace, or perhaps a major new cliffhanger that we have to wait for? A few people might think Aqua could have this moment to be happy after his revenge story is complete. That said, the Kana character may point to him wanting a chance at life, to enjoy it and appreciate the people he cares for and that could easily bring even more uncertainty!
With the amazing way Oshi no Ko is created! With mysteries surrounding Aqua, Hikaru and Ruby. Some wonder how these will be handled!
The show itself really struck a powerful chord in the audience who follow manga stories from Japan and those all across the world. This is due to how well they blended dramatic intensity, the craziness of revenge, with the ability to really dive into show biz. These storylines aren't just fun and captivating. The storytelling manages to create a deep connection, one where the audience is brought into an amazing exploration of self-reflection and finding purpose amidst all these powerful events. This means Oshi no Ko gave people a show that will not be soon forgotten. It's already an incredible success having great critical acclaim.
The show's anime adaptation (released in 2023) was very well made! So there are definitely people who want to keep enjoying it after these last chapters, but this finale will deliver tons of memorable moments! Those following it through the anime know there's even more time before its end. That's only one side of Oshi no Ko's world! Its impact comes in many ways with these unique experiences:
It will be interesting to see how Oshi no Ko ends! Be sure to catch the latest chapters before it finishes!