In the vast and vibrant world of Shonen Jump, a new manga is making waves, even if it's still flying under the radar!
No/Name is a thrilling manga that looks to bring a special set of powers to readers! A unique concept! This story comes from the brain behind the popular Cyberpunk: Edgerunners!
But just what is this series about?
No/Name features the tale of two elite special agents who make up a team called the Nordic Naming Bureau., and this is not just your run-of-the-mill organization!
They make the big decisions! Their focus? It's about controlling and maintaining a world full of superpowers, called "Name Power,"
These powers are not natural but are controlled by the government!
One of the most important elements in this show are its two lead agents Ralf and Ursula. They are the key to this fascinating world!
You are in for a big surprise and this may change your perspective! As the show unfolds and fans watch to see where the storyline takes Ralf and Ursula.. There's also a world full of other elements of corruption!
The system Ralf and Ursula work for might look amazing at first! But it is full of inequities! The most fascinating scene of "No/Name.", is one of their first big assignments: where they deal with someone who had complete and utter control over a woman! He can do whatever he pleases but in the end there is no justice! That may seem pretty shocking to some fans! But here is the most ironic part!
This corrupt person even had access to the child that he tried to force the mother to live with.
While that might be pretty dark, the amazing aspects to this storyline, you might find to be shocking as well! There is an implication that these individuals that were looking to bring down the government were, at some level, working with officials! It seems like we have ourselves, an awesome tale that is full of action, adventure, but one that makes you reflect about how justice can often be compromised!
"No/Name" is a thrilling series for readers of manga!
This awesome storyline is definitely one for anyone who loves action and great writing! If you don't know anything about "No/Name" then give it a try! It seems that this manga will be incredibly popular among those who enjoy this amazing style of storytelling! The best thing? There are a bunch more chapters, to check out!
The show has already hit a major point in the story that shows its true power to tell some amazing, engaging tales.
Get a look into what the next big manga in the "Shonen Jump" Universe is set to do! The storyline makes it clear, this manga will leave everyone wanting to get to the next chapter and read about what Ralf and Ursula will face in their incredible mission to protect this awesome, vibrant world.