
Jujutsu Kaisen Underrated Characters: Hidden Gems & Powerful Villains!

Beyond Gojo and Yuji: 10 Underrated Jujutsu Kaisen Characters You NEED to Know!

Jujutsu Kaisen: Unearthing the Hidden Gems!

Jujutsu Kaisen is massive, one of the most popular shonen anime series around! Characters like Gojo Satoru and Yuji Itadori are practically cultural icons, beloved by fans across the world. But Jujutsu Kaisen is much, much bigger than these two alone. So many awesome characters never got the spotlight they deserved! We’re going on a deep dive today into ten of those tragically underrated characters–exploring those smaller, but still tremendously powerful, individuals; showcasing how deeply meaningful the world and those battles really are. Some were strong fighters; other characters showcase amazing loyalty; still others show some deep resilience. Get ready to discover your new favorite characters and a new understanding of why Jujutsu Kaisen has become so beloved!

10 Underrated Jujutsu Kaisen Characters You Need to Know

10. Hanami: The Nature-Loving Disaster Curse

Hanami is an awesome, nature-themed Disaster Curse with those incredibly powerful abilities. Their hatred of humanity stems from a strong sense of loyalty toward nature and is perfectly reasonable given how they see how mankind negatively interacts with their planet. Even in defeat (Gojo was the one to stop them)Hanami’s incredible strength during fights with heavy-hitters like Gojo,Yuji,andTododeserves massive recognition; not to mention that surprisingly sympathetic backstory and this particular villain should not be forgotten so readily. They truly are a top-tier villain.

9. Miwa Kasumi: The Unsung Heroine

Miwamight not have insane strength, but she works extremely hard. HerNew Shadow Styletechnique, killer katana skills, and this surprisingly profound determination all get downplayed in the fandom – and at points within the storyline! Sadly,Miwafaces losses—almost gets flattened byMaki Zenin; having to use up all her power for one last shot at stoppingKenjaku. Her journey and dedication made her an amazing and unforgettably inspiring character that deserves much better; someone to learn from.

8. Mechamaru/Kokichi Muta: The Genius in the Machine!

Mechamaru(alsoKokichi Muta) needed a better fate! A seriously genius-level character who created a super-advanced robot because his own body is insanely weak. A deal with those Disaster Curses ended badly–a truly tragic end againstMahitoandGeto! Had he lived? He would’ve absolutely changed the fight for the better; his cleverness coupled with immense amounts of dedication really stands out, highlighting those possibilities within that storyline and demonstrates this huge wasted potential within that particular plot arc which impacted others in significant ways.

7. Shoko Ieiri: The Healer Who Saved Countless Lives

Shoko Ieiri isn’t exactly known for front-line fighting. But this brilliant doctor’s role atJujutsu Highis enormous; she heals others! Using that unbelievably rareReverse Cursed Technique,Shoko’sskills saved countless lives (includingKiyotaka IjichiandTakuma Ino!), sharing knowledge with those that mattered. It was Shoko’s efforts which proved crucial in other places, too; her knowledge made those kinds of victories possible for those combat characters.

6. Mai Zenin:The Zenin Sister Who Chose Sacrifice

Of theZeninsisters,Maiwas frequently overshadowed byMaki. They were raised together in that horribly oppressive clan, but their choices really contrast! Maifollowed those rules; but also became a powerful sorceress! Using guns because she lacked those power reserves in other key areas demonstrated the kind of unique creativity which is only achievable through understanding the weaknesses of this individual and crafting that specifically around these shortcomings.Her willingness to be killed by their father to save her sister, Maki? A profound sacrifice, one that is both tragically fitting and utterly memorable!

5. Yuki Tsukumo:The Special Grade Sorcerer with Star Power

Yuki Tsukumowas another powerful special gradesorcerer with incredibly powerful fighting prowess and unique combat choices! This powerful jujutsusorcerer fought incredibly well. UsingGaruda, this incredibly unique shikigami with immense capabilities (through Star Rage), demonstrated immense possibilities inherent within these fighting scenarios; she really shines among the others within those same contexts. This is really sad:Kenjakutook her down using the same method, which truly turned againstYuki, leading to the final collapse of this hero.

4. Toge Inumaki:The Unstoppable Power of Cursed Speech!

Toge Inumaki’sCursed Speechwas insanely creative! That semi-grade 1 jujutsu sorcerer only attacks using his voice– it's utterly unique and brutal! The fight duringthe Shibuya Incident was rough– he lost an arm! And despite having immense potential that makes him critically powerful within that context he soon faded after that massive and critical battle within that plot arc!Many were disappointed he wasn’t around to use his powerful capabilities in various situations that would later arrive.

3. Junpei Yoshino:A Tragic Tale of Exploitation

Junpei Yoshino'sstory is heartbreaking! A victim of bullying and the cunning ofMahito. Mahito’sterrible scheme, using those same weaknesses, led to Junpei's death;and this really shook many and greatly emphasized just how devastating and cruel certain actions may be. The profound impact it has onYuji, this intense and emotionally memorable plot serves as that lasting source of drive in a very important character.

2. Todo Aoi: The Boogie Woogie Warrior

Todo Aoiwas a seriously huge favorite. Eccentric, a totally awesome fighter, he had a great relationship withYuji, working amazingly in various situations; this includes his contribution toMahito'sfinal battle. And fans wantedTodoto fight more afterthe Shibuya Incident, not the only instance but was definitely impactful; losing a hand as a cost. This amazing character got heavily underutilized–a truly devastating shame given that impressive show of prowess, and this is certainly a great moment missed.

1. Jogo: The Volcanic Disaster Curse!

Jogowas amazing– one of the bestJujutsu Kaisenvillains; a powerfulDisaster Curse(roughly equal toSukuna'seight or ninefingers). His volcanic-themed powers had truly stunning visuals! His domain is hard to beat, and those repeated fights againstGojoalone were memorable.This powerhouse would’ve made much more of a lasting impact had it not been cut short; this incredible moment during theShibuya Incidenthighlights that tremendous wasted potential; highlighting his immense growth that happened before he died; given enough time,Jogomight've been nearly unstoppable!

Conclusion: The Power of the Underdogs

Jujutsu Kaisen has these iconic, incredibly well-known characters – but we easily miss those equally significant but underappreciated characters highlighted above! They're vital; they show depth, tragedy, and intense loyalty! Some were brilliant strategists, others intensely fierce fighters, but their contributions, although limited to just various small areas throughout the show's storyline deserve serious recognition. Each has their unique moments which ultimately changed events and deeply impact viewers, and demonstrate just how truly extensive this story really is!

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