Rising as the main enemy of both Fallout 2 and Fallout 3, the Enclave is among the most evil organizations claiming the wasteland. Built on a "purity" philosophy, the group is fervent in eugenics and the elimination of anyone who deviates from their goals, therefore alienating practically every other side attempting to live. Destroying The Enclave's last major base and forcing them to disperse around the nation, The Brotherhood of Steel finally launched a significant attack on the group in Fallout 3.
The Sole Survivor in Fallout 4's most recent update just deals with a broken piece of The Enclave since tiny factions still exist and are committed to rebuilding. Investigating the disappearance of a trading cavern reveals that the company has made a good foundation in the Commonwealth. Once every member has been slain, players discover that the feature that motivated the previously described mod—that other smaller outposts can be found around the landscape.
With the aid of mods, The Enclave has never been more common throughout the Commonwealth. The latest update for Fallout 4 finally included one of the most infamous factions to the game. Although many of the most popular mods in the game may have been unintentionally destroyed by its latest next-generation update, both old and new players welcomed the addition of the malevolent government organization that tormented the Capital Wasteland. Sadly, The Enclave is only really common for a single mission, hence it's nice that there is a means to highlight them.
Posted to Nexus Mods by creator Killerinstinckt, the appropriately titled "Enclave Outposts" offers a range of modest bases set up by pockets of the organization all throughout the nuclear Commonwealth. Usually consisting of a tiny structure to guard the surviving scientists and troops, many of whom are decked out in the trademark black Power Armor, these little campsites have been distributed over the whole area. Additionally more likely to stumble into Enclave patrols is the Sole Survivor, which results in some difficult random encounters when least expected.
Fallout 4 fans who like to see more of the faction in the game will find great value in the Enclave Outposts mod. New Enclave outposts let players meet the faction more frequently, so providing an opportunity for conflict or perhaps pick-up of some fresh riches. Though it's really basic, the mod greatly enhances the whole vibe of the game.
Killerinstinckt, the mod's designer, did an amazing job at putting the new outposts in a natural and organic sense. The general appearance of the Enclave outposts matches the other Enclave sites in the game; their placements make sense given the goals and objectives of the group. This mod is absolutely essential for anyone wishing to include more of the Enclave into their Fallout 4 experience.
Given that Bethesda mostly published the most recent next-generation update to assist inspire the Prime Video series based on the franchise, Fallout 4 is clearly seeing a huge spike in popularity. Audiences flocked to the fourth major game after the event proven so popular, increasing its player count to the highest it has seen in near a decade. Though it's yet unknown how long the buzz will stay, given a second season of the streaming series is confirmed, one might reasonably expect another surge in popularity.
The new Enclave outposts and the game's recent explosive appeal together attest to the ongoing legacy of Fallout 4. With its interesting universe and distinctive gameplay, the game has shown to be a long-lasting success drawing both fresh players and keeping veterans involved. The game will surely be appreciated for many years to come.