Movies News Talk

Final Destination Reboot: Will 'Bloodlines' Finally Deliver a Great Sequel?

Can We Finally Get A Great Final Destination Sequel?

You're a fan of Final Destination, those awesome horror movie s that leave you thinking about your mortality? Then, it sounds like it's time to get pumped - because a brand new sequel, Final Destination 6 is in the works! It's going to shake things up!

Is it Like The Other Final Destination Movies?

Hold up - it's not your standard Final Destination flick. They’ve been working on this one for a super long time - since 2011, when Final Destination 5 came out, to be precise - so they are making sure it's not the same ol' formula. They are promising that the sequel will bring a totally fresh angle to those death rules - you know how everyone seems to be able to cheat death but then it keeps coming back! It actually seems like it's a sort of Final Destination Reboot - not like those re-makes you see sometimes. It’ll be set in that same world, but they are shaking things up.

When's The "Final Destination 6" Premiere Date?

They are shooting, so it’s actually pretty close. The producers are talking about 2025 for the premiere - which is crazy since the series launched way back in 2000 - which also makes 2025 the 25th anniversary of the whole franchise, which is awesome.

So What's Going To Be Different?

  • It's definitely going to be different - they even changed the name. It’s no longer "Final Destination 6" - they went with the way cooler name: Final Destination: Bloodlines! This gives us a sneak peek at what they have in mind, especially since those titles in horror franchises tend to be a bit more intense, just like they did with "Final Destination 2"!
  • The main characters are all emergency workers, those first responders who might get caught up in their own deadly death revenge. The original movie used a bunch of students, so it will feel new! We still haven't gotten any spoilers yet but with how it's supposed to be a reboot, there are some major hints - like, it might be exploring how the whole "Death" thing came to be. It's gonna get freaky - that much we know.
  • If they want a super awesome sequel - they have to spice up those stories and even those death scenes - It's like everyone remembers how much fun the deaths were - and even the creepy William Bludworth (Tony Todd, remember that awesome horror movie star!) was always there to deliver those dark whispers!
  • Remember how they had to have those weird, predictable things where they got killed in the prior Final Destination movies? Maybe they'll finally find a new way to show the scary, premonition-based horror - where death gets revenge but we also get something really unique! They will have to pull out some real twists to shake things up a bit!

So those Final Destination fans - this movie looks like it might just get your attention! Those prior horror movie sequels are kind of predictable, but this time they are working on something new. We can't wait! It's going to be fun.

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