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Dragon Ball Daima Episode 1: Biggest Reveals & Timeline Explained!

Get ready for some serious action with the newest Dragon Ball series called Dragon Ball Daima! This is not your grandpa's Dragon Ball! This show is packed full of surprises and is ready to redefine what's possible for this beloved anime franchise!

A New Beginning For Dragon Ball

Fans of the series have been waiting for something to change things up and bring more stories about Goku, and Dragon Ball Daima answers some of the biggest questions and concerns of lifelong Dragon Ball fans, all while giving some awesome glimpses of what makes the series great!

The show really uses the existing characters. This means Goku, Vegeta and even Bulma come back but are younger versions! The show takes place years after the Buu Saga and the Dragon Ball Z universe which makes things especially exciting! This occurs right before Dragon Ball Super! It also explores some elements of Dragon Ball Z that have never been touched upon before!

Also Read: Dragon Ball Daima: Unveiling the Demon Realm and New Adventures

Major Moments In Dragon Ball Daima Episode 1

Dragon Ball Daima Timeline episode 1 Image

If you want to find out the coolest parts, get ready! This anime gives fans plenty to enjoy. Here are 10 highlights!

Also Read: Dragon Ball Daima: Kid Goku's Voice Actor Returns!

Dragon Ball Daima Timeline

Tamagami guarding a Demon Realm Dragon Ball in Daima Image

One thing fans wanted to understand right away was where Dragon Ball Daima fits into the grand scheme of Dragon Ball. Fans had this quickly resolved right at the start. When it showed the characters, fans immediately learned just what timeframe it existed in. You see a party to celebrate Trunks's ninth birthday and there are moments showing other key events from the storyline!

Also Read: Dragon Ball Daima: Goku's Child Form, New Villains, and a Wild New Story!

Demon Realm Dragon Balls

Dragon Ball being revitalized by Neva in Daima Image

This is a very important point. As some of the episodes started showing more of Akira Toriyama's world! These magical objects that grant wishes are central and this world brings some major surprises!

  • The size and number of Dragon Balls is notably different in this world
  • Wish magic brings fresh ideas about how wishes could work!
Also Read: Dragon Ball DAIMA: The New Dragon Ball Series With Mini Goku!

White And Black Wishes

Tamagamis guarding the Dragon Balls in Daima Image

In Dragon Ball Daima, viewers learn just what kind of "magic" is available. There's both "white" and "black" wishes! This is explained well through one of the biggest characters in the Demon Realm Gomah. It was never truly established but fans now know.

The Tamagamis

Gomah and Neva in Dragon Ball Daima episode 1 Image

Get ready to meet new characters that look pretty impressive! Gomah was very much focused on getting wish granting power! However, a surprise comes his way from this group of mysterious guardians called "the three powerful Tamagamis!" These epic warriors are incredibly menacing! Their presence and imposing stature completely discourages Gomah and makes the series' opening that much more gripping.

However, Neva, the creator, does not seem too intimated, and you see their unique connection and that gives an extra thrill and something unexpected from these menacing guardians.

The Namekians' Role

Gohan in the center powering up as Goku and Piccolo looking at him confused in a collage type image Image

It wasn't clear at first but then we got more into Dragon Ball Daima's universe. Viewers can now add one major point, and even start to appreciate even further, is the emergence of Neva, and even Dende! This adds so much intrigue! This might have gone unnoticed but was truly one of those memorable elements. It showed just what Dragon Ball Daima was going to offer to the audiences. You see how these different universes interact in interesting ways that Dragon Ball fans will really appreciate.

Gohan's Absence

Goten and Trunks in their older forms in front of the Lookout. Image

Gohan was such a critical part of the story! That includes him growing as a powerful warrior. Now it appears that he's made the shift towards having less screen time in the latest saga. With an answer now being made available to why this happened!

Why Goku Is Young Again

Goku reacts in horror to being shrunk down to a kid in episode 1 od Dragon Ball Daima. Image

The new Demon King, Gomah's impact really hit Goku and this whole universe! Gomah really throws things upside down by making a wish through the Shenron Dragon Balls to turn Goku and some other key players into children! The choice seemed really easy for the audience but actually made total sense. He was hoping this would be done harmlessly but also render Goku and company useless!

The Potara Fusion

Majin Buu talking about eating Vegito in Dragon Ball Daima Image

What about this massive, dramatic element from the world? Well, it's been long debated just what exactly happened but there is some mystery there with the whole ordeal and separation.

Fans got a pretty solid reason in episode one of "Dragon Ball Daima." The answer that was used to clarify is now in and what may come as an additional surprise was it seems this separation had nothing to do with any battle magic! It was created from a gas!

Dabura and Gomah

Dragon Ball Daima Goku and Dabura from DBZ Image

A truly awesome addition comes from Dragon Ball Daima. Fans can now really know what happened! As viewers already know, Dabura's story takes a unique turn, ending as he loses his life at the hands of Majin Buu.

That makes Gomah, the new king!

Gomah's Allies

Dragon Ball Daima Dr. Arinsu Image

If you think Gomah is all by himself, there might be even bigger things at play than everyone realizes! In Dragon Ball Daima's first episode we get to see that he has some co-conspirators who may make him a bit nervous!

  • Dr. Arinsu. She came from a surprise lineage that even gives Gomah a reason to be concerned and might even throw some surprises and complications! She also happens to be the sister of Degesu and their sibling Shin.

It seems this is an epic way to continue with this long-running, beloved anime series. Dragon Ball Daima really gets you thinking as to the universe's interconnectedness, it continues to showcase just how intense Akira Toriyama is and what it could potentially become for the future.

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