The world of Naruto continues with its new series, Boruto: Two Blue Vortex. While the series shows a world at peace after Naruto became Hokage, there’s a lot of tension!
In the new manga, chapter 14, we see how some really powerful figures have an enormous impact, showing just how difficult things can really be, even after so much change.
This might be a surprise for those of us who have watched the series from the start! Naruto promised a better future. However, we might be seeing the limitations to what he's truly accomplished! That could potentially affect the future of Konoha! The story of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex is about the way Homura and Koharu still retain enormous power in Konoha, to an almost unexpected extent!
This is especially noteworthy as it brings us face-to-face with some iconic, and less well-loved, characters that were major players in the Naruto series!
Even though Naruto’s son, Boruto is the main protagonist, these elder figures are still incredibly relevant.
What really surprised those who are familiar with this part of the manga, is how little change there really is. Their controlling and underhanded attitude is the same! What's really concerning is how these powerful, influential elders have no fear even of the Hokage!
These characters from Boruto: Two Blue Vortex, Homura and Koharu, go way back, with their power extending back for decades!
This goes back to Hiruzen Sarutobi who appointed them, perhaps not recognizing just how terrible these individuals would be.
Even though there are some efforts toward positive change and peace! Homura and Koharu’s existence suggests that things remain stuck in the past. It looks like Naruto failed! Even worse. What he failed to address with the Shinobi world remains the case and Boruto: Two Blue Vortex illustrates just that and may represent an important aspect to those reading the series as it hints that Naruto's attempts towards a new era haven't actually come to pass.
It’s shocking but the show suggests it could occur. Despite having faced severe conflict with authorities. Boruto still wants to inform them about Jura and what those Sentient God Trees can potentially mean.
Most of Konoha recognized the value, but that didn’t stop Homura and Koharu from having an unreasonable opinion! It seems they’d rather eliminate Boruto instead!
This really gets into the depths of what could occur when the Hidden Leaf doesn’t really look into their choices and the need to make big changes.
Both have terrifying consequences for the village. Homura and Koharu need to go if Konoha has any hope. They have always been terrible individuals! What's going on is their existence really threatens Konoha. It may cause the downfall for this incredible village.