The Attack on Titan universe is packed full of heart-wrenching stories. Not just for how humanity battles giants (the Titans)! But it is so much more compelling, when you see how the past of the series' characters helped to define what is happening now.
Fans can relate! The most common aspect of these character storylines, is the loss and the hardship of this world! What stands out are how many characters were faced with tragedy from the time they were children, these events have shaped them and defined why these incredible characters, and those they've grown to be! You may get to know the stories in a heart-wrenching way! The show focuses on this dark reality. Even before the major war! They even lived with the terror of living in these walled cities.
This really is something that shows just how powerful a show can be with these incredibly intense backstories.
This next list will give you a little bit of the heartache behind all of the characters in this awesome anime, but they have been some of the most compelling, making Attack on Titan even more exciting. If there is something to be remembered, it is that even amidst such hardship, they made the right choices!
The story of Ymir really is one of the most heartbreaking, leaving audiences thinking deeply about how this titan transformed, her early life! As you might recall she was a slave, even before gaining this ability and lost her parents, all while trying to stay alive, with so little to depend on. It took some time and this story gives a lot of intrigue but it turns out she also developed her Titan powers to make her one of the series' most powerful!
What is just as moving as "Attack On Titan," is how these tales come to life! Fans may also be aware that a lot of these character histories help create one of the biggest mysteries for all of this anime. This great show brings home one of the biggest messages- how those characters have worked through these challenges in order to take on a world with unimaginable odds! This includes both Titans and a harsh reality of how society operates, forcing some to have no choice but to endure violence and brutality. While these tales really will show a side of the show's themes. Attack On Titan continues to have new and compelling moments, making it something everyone should watch!